Sunday, 31 October 2021

#669 - advertisement







a left hand splash

and road go

where are we say a thing


this is an advertisement

for the failure of words

and their announcement


little windows where we sell the view

and you can buy a piece thereof


in the shop where the clock’s

been taken down

so no one will notice the time


we advertise the words themselves


map being its own territory


I fidget and forget

their absence

and ours from them


a song is singing itself

drowning out

flag flies over

a little salute


make mine magic

the failing

gung often ho


protects defends

beats sweeps, so on


every poem for itself

praise paean



it’s catchy

advertorial too

up an hour before I am


hair still all day sleeping

wild as the wind it is from


let me have a hymn’sworth

make a motzanext

in your dreams


should there be payment

for what can’t be helped?


and just as ants and birds tell rain


tune always comes from thin air

no one ever mentions the money


ask for attention by way of a poem

that’s the best way to hide

esperanta serio #90 - du poemoj -- ne estas muzoj kaj trapasi



du poemoj


ne estas muzoj


jen la monto, de kiu ili forkuris

ekzilitoj estas ni nun


vi rigardas en vin mem

estas longa vojo malsupren

rigardu maldekstren rigardu dekstren                                                  

la trafiko estas en vi

tiu sovaĝa besta naturo

rigardante eksteren

la klara bluo

en kiu vi iras

plu ĉiufoje




there are no muses


behold the fled mountain

exiles are us


you look into yourself

it’s a long way down

eyes left eyes right

the traffic’s in you

that wild beast nature

peering out

the clear blue

in which you go

further each time








poste lumo

disigas la spegulon

kaj tagoj kuniĝas

kiel vojo

tra ruliĝantaj montetoj






step through


then light

takes the mirror apart

and days fall in

like a road

through rolling hills

gone green

gone grey

gone dark

Saturday, 30 October 2021

esperanta traduko de poemo de Rumi 'Matureco estas Ĉio':



esperanta traduko de poemo de Rumi 'Matureco estas Ĉio'


Same kiel, kiam vi endormiĝas, vi foriras de la

ĉeesto de vi en la ĉeeston de vi

Kaj vi aŭdas de vi mem tion, kion vi pensas, estas dirita

al vi sekrete de iu en la sonĝo.

Ho bona amiko, vi ne estas ununura "vi": vi estas la

ĉielo kaj la profunda maro.

Via potenca senfina "Vi" estas la oceano en kiu miriadoj

de "vi" estas enprofundigitaj.

Ne parolu, por ke vi audas de la Parolantoj

tio kio ne estas eldirata aŭ priskribita.

Ne parolu, por ke la spirito parolu por vi: en la

kesto de Noa vi ne plu bezonas naĝi.


Rumi’s  ‘Ripeness is All’


            Just as, when thou fallest asleep, thou goest from the

                        presence of thyself into the presence of thyself

            And hearest from thyself that which thou thinkest is told

                        thee secretly by some one in the dream.

            O good friend, thou art not a single "thou": thou art the

                        sky and the deep sea.

            Thy mighty infinite "Thou" is the ocean wherein myriads

                        of "thou's" are sunken.

            Do not speak, so that thou mayst hear from the Speakers

                        what cannot be uttered or described.

            Do not speak, so that the spirit may speak for thee: in the

                        ark of Noah leave off swimming.


#668 - klein





many lives hide in my little name


for the philosophy of table tennis


skin so thick

well, what can you do?

take it travelling

paint yourself out of a corner


would you ever say really you had escaped?


some under the bed

and some in the cupboard


it’s like that Bob Marley song

you’re convincing another skin

running around the dining room table


could you ever be sure you were gone?


it’s a clean heart hope

and as for soul?

it may not be for us to know


but trust

all in the far and forever

sent or went?

you tell me


it’s chasing a little white ball

accept the facts as nature


go back to being

made joy yourself


imagine so innocent

dressups, sleepover

and now the secret has a reason


will you come when called?

all bills paid

pants down and show us

not on your life!


put away this world

play with another


things should have been told

had to find for ourselves


one can get into the rhythm of flight

little purple flower

or sit sulking wait


it’s like Béla said

the little ball’s trouble

we bat it away


kind of juggling you can’t do by yourself

it’s like a bullet, a grenade

hit it back over to the other side

usually it comes back

but what joy when it’s gone

the point’s yours


that music makes me

some from a tree to sit and sing

celluloid is a dream

every image etched

a story rolls through light


times the silence comes upon us

as of a single sadness made


like a bird looks for where the rain went


when it’s safe to come out

who will I be?


day vanishes where we go


even a little one like this

must be new name born


happily this is our ever after


and the punchline?

might have thought it was all imagined

            and we were fast in own dark then

but no, it’s that we were ghosts

each of us from birth


I always knew I’d get to the time

come upon our truth


there’s no next year Jerusalem


I supply the vastness


can go where you like

in the orchard

in the bee spun maze


now that we’ve come home



esperanta serio #89 - vojaĝante




ni iras sen diri


estas sen diri

iuj el ili ja volas

rabi vin, trompi vin

stumbligi vin

donu al vi malhelpon


iuj scivolas, kion vi volas kun ili

al la malmultaj vi estas spektaklaj

al aliaj sennomaj rigardaduloj

eble vi estas kompatinda

kial vi estas tiel for de la hejmo?


kion vi faris?

(se vi ne estas kulpa, kial vi kuris?)


ofte ni iras sen diri

sufiĉas silenta kapjeso por servo


al la plimulto el ili tamen

vi estas kiel

nenio pasanta de nenie al nenie

brilanteta nun ĉi tie por esti for

ĝuste kiel fantomo devas fari






it goes without saying

some of them do want

to rob you, trick you

trip you up

give you let and hindrance


some wonder what you want with them

to the few you are spectacular

to other nameless peering folk

perhaps you’re to be pitied

why so far?


what have you done?

(if you’re not guilty, why did you run?)


often we go without saying

suffice a silent nod for service


to most of them though

you are like

nothing passing from nowhere to nowhere

glimmering now here to be gone

just the way a ghost must do

Friday, 29 October 2021

#667 - time (a grotesque)






a grotesque

for godsbother


the wishbone what if

that old endlessness

tune of the heart

wild clock set upon




now resides in my speaking device

or only heavens tell

I check it every often so


leaf and flock

I, passenger

a cough


where we lived

in all dimensions


is pointed up

a juggling thing

will I resile?


to say

and sow

and reap the whirlwind

to deny


somebody thought a beginning was far

and never say never they said


the chapter verse

and pray for rain


light’s intricate tracery

taken to skin


here for a good time

then laying to waste



ever and day

cows to roost

all over the moon

chicken half way

and half way across


never tell me why


a candle brief

we all to it

longing out of scripture

into the open air


and we

day labourers

dreamfed too

come looking

for a rhyme



esperanta serio #88 - nevidite la mano retuŝanta la ĉielon




nevidite la mano retuŝanta la ĉielon


jen venas la kamparano el la malnova kanto

fadenmontraj horoj


osto kaj haŭto kaj ŝelo, panero


preter la rando de la klifo flosas plugilo

neniuj manoj

do la ĉielo estas kultivita


supre ili provas matraco-risortojn

por najli la ĉerkaj kovrilojn




unseen the hand touching up the sky


here comes the farmer from the old song

threadbare hours


bone and rind and crust and crumb


past the cliff’s edge a plough floats

no hands

so the sky is tilled


upstairs they’re testing mattress springs

to nail the coffins down