Sunday 31 January 2021

#402 - lost





people get lost


in their secrets

in thought

call contemplation

at sea, in a sandpit, or eyes up


tell themselves all sorts just to believe

people lose themselves truth much as lies

so much for the sake of better than not


it’s every animal anyone is

we tree and leaf it just to be


inclement or listening to the news

are often lost counting           

and number selves lucky


some wake lost

and wonder which

lose their way to breakfast

or postprandial

then alone among pages


some hopscotch lost

good intentions paving


or in a vanish

just the way of things

(prayer lost in some certain knowledge)


in the mind of all, tug this

poke here

do loop the loop

walk till the dog is lost


forever after in the day

and tremble


gone in a mirror where one’s often soft

hard on selves and far away


gone glimmer

lost in for the words

awed up


many as much in a cloud of themselves


lost in the one breath

love to and strike up a rhythm  


in the garden lost to bush


it’s count to a hundred

open your eyes

I always liked sardine


leave filthy pawprints so we’ll find them


in ruins

wonder what

burnt things broken once were


a privilege to be lost in own time and tune


fingerposts fall

we’re lost in this page

and where to go?


or is this all a sky pretending?


lost can be faked too

when they way is known

but only so far … then we go on


everyone’s at a loss in the end


‘get lost’ one’s sometimes told

and one makes an effort to remember then

the nicest thing could be said












poor little fellah, beak still straight

never got the window idea

couldn’t quite break on through  

Saturday 30 January 2021

#401 - are we Sunday?





are we Sunday?


is sky blue?


so many of us of another time

tree in its antics up

(never thought one or the other

but knew)


watch water

in a stillness

season halted here

come to me questions

flutter and


see the surface bubble up?


who’s that landing?

fly to the dead bird’s colour lost

(thing beside the shed)

fade to…

all unfurl to ask


skies are days too full to fall


could this be a song?


that eye’s shut


over skin

guess hearts

fine webs you cannot see


a radio war burst where


sketch edges tell

and guessing again


skies too full but do


stand under a fan for summer


or out in the sticky

roll afternoon


we made the world just here


there’s nowhere but

                   else and so

                   swim in


meniscus bliss

clouds come

creek run

stroke, kick, stroke


then in siesta trix


slipped over the border

nobody knew

a Monday barking and the bins


magic of the edge to day

and long of evening

shone like the rain to come


a tipple snifter kingdom come

edge magic

and postprandial


meniscus bliss

now in the swim

of come again

the rain

Friday 29 January 2021

#400 - an inappropriate encounter in which physical distance was not maintained


30.i. 21



an inappropriate encounter in which physical distance was not maintained

Auckland, Friday – at the Grand Millennium (and how often is that?)



notes written on a used mask


‘bring me a beaker of your most Marlborough’



(eye quicker than suggestion)

in flagrante delicto – yum!


readers, harden your hearts for this

it was no bumping into merely


they had been wearing underpants

but now all bets are off

think trampoline if must


the minister cannot control the actions of every individual –

then what kind of a government are they running over there?

(we note it was Brigadier Bliss in command)


let me tell you (and who will contradict?)

this was head over heels


wink first they went and made their own brink

mustn’t we all at a pinch?


slap and tickle

of course had the nod

and blindly horsing about to begin


a taste, a touch

then deeps of the eye

and gone

far gone           


a little spray?

shall we sanitize this?


for their sake here

hoping there’s no more news

but for the families to share


sign in

with a code

perhaps joyous event?


and this – girls and boys –

just happens to be the sort of reason

really why


so many of us are here






we, the tribeless


out of blear night

because we dreamt it

and told the dream


it’s in the genes

swoon distances

tendril to be more


while everyone else is pretending

we fell out of the rain

are sprung up from stone


not a people at all

but we are soil so rumoured


have always hidden in words

scrolls curl up in a cave


peer hard among

will you tell us apart


vanishing reverie city is

of the book and far

roll a way in


we, the wronged of an any-king stroke


come hide me under a street of strange stars


gone, lost and make a desert our own


sky for a screen

bloom and manna fall

there is in ink to fit 

Thursday 28 January 2021

#399 - the first acts of my ungovernment & a parable in a dream


29. i. 21



first acts of my un-government


the legislators acknowledged at last


having expelled all thoughts of republic


peace declared universally

with every kind of song and dance

guardians tickled to a fit


everyone listens

we take turns


money’s abolished

the budget is open

machines, but only if they’re fun


everyone will get enough

sleep, cuddles, sweetmeats, admiration

and every tree may grow

come koalas!


your golden age

the borders gone

Zeus patron of the exiles, cross-dressed

open to all suggestion


this is a world of infinite care


or do as you damn well please


no one is blamed for what they can’t help

everyone held to opinion


do we need watches, clocks?

no crimes against humanity!

where no one will remember tomorrow

or read between these lines


all this is proclaimed – a NO year plan

must have been the way I slept


and those who believed in us

whom we loved


the dead shall rise

to our conversation

argue the toss

and call account


it’s all looking good from here







no one ever looked up to see


I dreamt a parable

one does

of the headless chook

and the equally fox

once in a Chinese city

or outskirts

(dark in a light smog dawn to come)


that chook was last hunted


and afeared by smell

hungry, as was the headless fox


others had fled

but the fox couldn’t see

of course couldn’t


and I stood between them

so they each went on their ways

in hunger

ever in hunger



Wednesday 27 January 2021

#398 - in a whimsy





in a whimsy


thereof untame tell

come heaven it creature

blur worldly whereas

smudge and breathless

of wishes as well

oh happy luck lit

fall in the cracks of  

set forget

dare you to do it here









firsting drabday

fine webs and hung

abandoned with

naked as and does


sharp second falls

of the winded tree

the rain all drape

drink in


dark of where the spirits went

far forsaken down


come ending of

but might still with


begin arrangements now

Tuesday 26 January 2021

#393 - the hoot





the hoot

example of constitutional ornithography


the hoot

perched on my shoulder and sang

a weekend’s worth



more than an honorific


preciously petal

up atom and fling

drunk dirge                                      


the festive hoot

all what-have-you garlanded with gall

and get-even


giftwrapped in fact

lovely wreathing!


under a party hat

too tinsel

hoot’s a slutty round and shout

for he’s a she’s a jolly good

brush by

rub up

whisper it back of my …


asked hoot to name its poison           

(bit of bunyip in this one)


and I along with, held

up multiple bars

(your gangster hoot to boot)


consider the hellish

and devil-may-not-even-care

(in pond with newt and toad-eye)


the hoot un-7-veiled

a champagne splash

fast cars

frequently encouraged to scoot


a fleshly

bedded for the whim

that’s why

it’s boudoir


we should be led by The Hoot

and once might’ve

(appoints the Prime Monster

and cabinet of little horrors)

all just for a hoot, you understand

that is how they are paid


and as for me – chalkface, shopped –

I cultivated a harmless hoot

sat golden in the singing boughs

as had for a song


just a breezeless hootsworth

and a hootenanny


last seen in the shed with a rake

(that’s a compromise position)


it was the any-beasting hoot

I mean – all bets heartful                    


shameful yet playful

rude hoot

(just a little damnation to spice)


when mentioned

went down like something proverbial


darker than ever down

I found a hoot

on the floor of my sea

a wake!


because hoot’s its own funeral too

and hides in a party of words

(yanks reduce to just breasts)


concupiscent hoot for a hotty

(lick, groove)


and in its original whimsy


all emotion too


buried my own mid-treasure

woke me most mellifluous

I put away all adult things


we’ll have one

do I hear ‘why not?’


sing cucu to a hoot

and then you will be too


in favour of

fly a hoot for fancy


raise a hoot after

surrender to say


and ah for after

post-hoot, so as to …


after, everyone said it was

lay down with the dogs

and woke with the hoot of such fleas

all ears!


hear it on the street some blindings

morning of a kettle drum

and horns deep in the head


is why

I keep a private hoot from parties   

ideas of a riot

kind of declaration

and everyone thought it was me


but you wouldn’t want to rely on this


for a headline

(cigarette ended the bed)


that’s just gossamer, you know


and tug at my own too

it’s for luck



don’t you know

(and I think that you do)

your everyday common or garden

and you should, cause I do


it goes from woe

and fast or slow

it’s a beaut

when you’re having a hoot

Monday 25 January 2021

#392 - notes for amnesia day





notes for amnesia day


I forgot what the day is called



great crimes demand a lot of silence


gather together now to forget


teacher says come in quickly and quietly

hands on…

questions, neatly folded


come round like the sun

who’s collecting?


there’s the gone of us whom we still are

and everywhere like this

there’s a time and a place


like back in the sixties

before DUI blow in this

before the referendum

just one more

and one more for the road

and one more to forget

and now

can’t remember how we got home

but here we are



sang it in the trenches too

should auld acquaintance be …


and empty heartedly

in Zombieland

(isn’t that what it’s…)


but in truth

can’t remember

… a little further along?




everyone celebrates starting a gaol

all salute the emptiness


it must have been at my first forgetting

so much simpler since


nuthin hi-falutin


where am I?

who are you?

no one remembers

not on today


you can smell something stolen

something big that was pinched gives off a good pong


take country

why not?  everyone else did

it was a done thing then


won’t remember

if not one empire

then another, worse


don’t apologize – it never ends


so many journeys and bring us one each

won’t or can’t?


this is the place to forget

it’s why

I cannot remember the ancestors

I forget that a year has passed


here we are

because we are

and love that old refrain


dogs at their bowls can still sit up to bark


drunk on possession again

on country

and whose?


bread circuses

forget the date

we’re on holiday

the weekend won’t end

not ever

but for evermore

(that was ‘a clear day on the highway’)


we could overheat

another cold one now!


one more

and another


conquer this too

will we can we


what if a war never ended

if trauma were whom


I want to be able to hear a bomb drop


what if

not here not today

mustn’t spoil


and one day grow up

truth to tell



(cruel in the days of denial)


in empire persisting

and whose is it now?

I try to forget to remember again  

and weary of the heat

what’s the date?


they were barefoot

so no one could walk in their shoes


we’re too far into the weekend to know


beer cool me, will you?  

throw tunes to the dinner dog

of course can’t see hear feel

can’t know

not now


truth yet to tell

look for a treaty under the soul

listen for the heart’s voice


but I can’t remember here

can you?



if you’ll just come along a little further

I am you are  


consider arriving

here’s the ill wind we


every day a day of mourning until

who will

what will

make it right?

Sunday 24 January 2021

#391 - certain events




certain events


selves said and gone

but certain events

are themselves a forever


parrot bright

mandarin tricks


kiss it could have been

or the ugly attack


take tablets from the mountain

little Rubicon Damascus

burn the bush

scroll up your eyes


in rain for the earthward journey

likewise the heaven lift


fire had to be a moment gone

day of the bombing

and fled who could


ants hollowed a log for lip and lung


no one ever sees the border

no one’s alive to cross


the city walls fall, the looting begins

man on the cross always up there

stone with the roll

come cradle again


lay like an egg

and I was the swimmer

race you up to the incoming tide


out hard boiled

day we came into our own shells

drink this or sniff, smoke

choke it down


day of the snake come in

love of a life or meant


someone’s head rolls into a basket

first flicker off on the screen


funny pages!

some moments

are spent in the passion


steps of the song

or an angry shout


memories in skin to touch

snow to the tip of the tongue


other lives passionlessly


certain forevers are instantly over

gone as told


first flower

and wings

when we took to them


first tilt

call a draft

hard covers


kind of a watch over, cry

likewise birth is being given


we each conceived

how else read these words

and the beaker of hemlock

lost pride

Saturday 23 January 2021

#390 - time dividing


20. i.21



time dividing

towards an essay on time


a war away

or call the dynasties, the reigns

plague summons


tell us out the weather

time the fire

and numbering a crash



thoughts less then gone


this tyrant won’t adjourn

it takes the statues down


time and we slept through

late to rise


clock run like a dizzy world

and bending

sun and steady round


take time apart

the lizard creeping

joy of jaws


come through the shell

whatever means

and matter



(having been everywhere in the heretofore)


where the river held

stepped off


the chicken in the egg in crossing

always why


time divides us from ourselves


in mazes of who’s in charge


time and the tree grows over

ants take down the wall


save life for later

or wish it away


and all of this despite however

the facts of here-we-are

Friday 22 January 2021

#389 - High Street


20. i.21



High Street

add to a book of mother


a finger in the harbour

we’d go there to check the paint smell

sun thrown to the frayed floor


scraggle bush

uphill, flower lit

park whichever way


the tall brick past

red then

it was sandstone shade

street ferry ended

hours of the while away


and Aunty Eve’s along a bit

where Alice and all those animals

awash but I forgot the tears


had not yet ever come into a book

saw though where they were

left on the page for later

all paws to the moment now


were read to


must have learned forgetting then


up from the carpet

play down to the park

and doggy-do


swing of the picnic

unblaze of blue

the stillnesses of summer so

little white triangles puff and go

shining as cloud now

who can you see?

it’s a map!


and the bridge glimpse

(various angles)

that Greenway building eyesore

and insult to the memory of  


kitbag brown and some digits

worn colours … beginning with letters

like a phone number

like a uniform rotted under the house

from the war before we were  


play poker in the smoke

and leave it beery with the march

I must have been essential…

something along the lines of

what it had all been for


High Street was one end of the world

built safe and trudge

if only you’d bought just after those subs

the midgets


but other way along and weary

because it was a way

splash piers of barnacle green

grime harbour


pinchgut just there for a story

and who was that mad bugger

got between ferry and pier?

every time

they had to fish him out


blare blue of looking up

a breeze still

mirror lap nearly

little back forth rocking

we shall call a bob?


and back up the hill of a bit

too little for bob a job

but can watch


paint was always the freshest thing

came over the salt

got a lungful


were swtiching the pictures around

it was a long way up to the ceiling

we were checking up, making sure  


wringers in those laundries

of time defunct

from the Depression

they’d have to go

but not today

like the falling fence



and the long grass

cut foot doctor rush

of silly silly mum