Monday, 31 October 2022

#1030 - ordeal by flight





ordeal by flight


up in the air

and off the clock

still turning over somewhere



and we race the world


a pillow and a blanket

symbolic of sleep

they hand these things out


we are somewhere approaching the Gulf or the Bight

but which?


they turn off the map eventually

we are not flying over Russia


hours belong elsewhere

and the feet of sleep stick out in the aisle


we are going round the long way

in the between of times


they have taken a whole day out of the calendar


one sits with all the habits merely


it is some time elsewhere

but we’re not there

we wouldn’t be awake if we were


tame in a tin

a herd of us to cross the sky


they vanish us to nowhere too


all the stars are up here yet

and breakfast to be served


all whoosh!

no tablecloth

no silverware


it’s not the desert you know

but a million of us at it right now

cris-crossing arcs tangents

nobody lives up here


we took off when the world was still young

and now we just can’t know  

esperanta serio #451 - iranta, farinte



iranta, forinte

por fantoma skribo


ni pasas de ĉi tien al tien

momento al momento

kvadrataj kejloj en rondaj truoj

pasante tra muroj

tra humoroj

pasigante devagajn frazojn


ĉiu vorto eldiris fantomon de alia

ni, en la unu spiro, forinte


nun vi vidas nin

nun vi ne

ni rigardas ekster la bildon


ni kantas, kion kantas fantomo, kiam ni faras

ne estas finlinio



going, gone

for ghost writing


we are passing here to there

moment to moment

square pegs in round holes

passing through walls

through moods

passing stray phrases along


every word uttered ghost of another

we, in the one breath, gone


now you see us

now you don’t

we are looking out of the picture


we sing what a ghost sings when we do

there isn’t a finishing line

#1029 - gifts for the journey




gifts for the journey

tomb steele for a seated child with grapes and bird

a full  cup 

some beaten gold to barter

a dog at beck

fish fill the sea

and we are going across!

cloak over tunic

styles of the time 

the Egyptians say it’s

Ka and Ba 

must be able to return 

who knows?

they may be right

one must always be ready

practical problems

what to pack?

how much can you carry?

you have to be ready for anything 

and nobody’s ever known 

quite what that means

but a bottle of something anyway 

some coin for the crossing 

nobody wants to be gone

but if and when 

best well dressed 

you never know whom you’ll meet 

fast talking 

heroic scenes!

these are the pictures 

of the dead 

as they remain to us 

in all the years we find ourselves 

and they must find us gone 

through every kind of weather

stone keeps us looking best 

esperanta serio #450 - inter mi kaj la mondo



inter mi kaj la mondo

estas tempoj

mi devas konfesi

nur ĉies spiro vi pensus

mondo kurbiĝas ĉirkaŭ mi

foje turniĝas

maldika krusto

pendu sur la ŝtupetaro

ni havis niajn momentojn

la mondo kaj mi

la dinosaŭroj neniam sciis kion ili faris

nun estas stultaj homoj 

sufiĉe al la tasko

mi mencios neniujn nomojn

sed prefere

kunfandi la dolĉecon kun la lumo

ĝi estas improvizita planedo

ili ĉiuj estas

iru kompleze kun spriteco kaj ĉarmo

sciu, ke ĉi tiun 'mi' vi distras

estos ekster la eksperimento

nur en palpebrumo

between me and the world 

there are times 

I must admit 

just everyone's breath you'd think 

a world curves round me 

sometimes spins 

a thin crust 

hang onto the ladder 

we have had our moments 

the dinosaurs never knew what they did 

it's stupid humans now 

quite up to the task

I won't mention any names

but rather

conflate the sweetness with the light 

its an improvised planet 

they all are 

go graciously with wit and charm 

know that this 'I' you entertain

will be out of the experiment 

just in the wink of an eye

Sunday, 30 October 2022

#1028 - there´s no one part of this I like but I like it all





there´s no one part of this I like but I like it all

ekphrastic for Constant´s 1964 ´Homo Ludens´

all colour sombre

blank beyond in walls 

trails and laughter trills 

wild hair flown 

faces thrown in too 

a scribble play of guessed intention 

it climbs it rears 

and see those breasts?

and leering 

not a tongue in sight 

nothing but the body 

it´s  naked in paint 

scratched raw

Saturday, 29 October 2022

esperanta serio #449 - mortante




estas la forgesita afero

ni ĉiuj povas antaŭĝoji al 

vi pensas, ke io terura okazos

tio tute ne estas la kazo

morti estas la afero

ni ĉiuj kune faras

ni iras solaj al

pensu pri la haltigo de la sistemo

pensu pri cellinio

estas ĉiaj manieroj rigardi ĝin

estas ekscitiĝo kaj verŝiĝo survoje

sed kiam vi alvenos tien

ne estas ke estas nenio

sed vi estas

vi ne estos tie

nenio por fari

nenion scii

ne estas la plej eta danĝero

estas nenio, kion vi sentos

nenio preterpasas

kvankam aliaj povas diri tion

agrable esti certa pri ĉi tiuj aferoj, kiujn ni ne povas scii

iuj simple ne povas atendi forgeson

ni nur diru, ke ni estis faritaj por ĉi tio

estis plezuro renkonti vin ĉi tie


is the forgotten thing 

we can all look forward to 

you think something terrible will happen

that’s not the case at all 

dying is the thing

all of us together do

we go to it alone 

think of system shutdown

think of a finish line 

there are all sorts of ways to look at it 

thrills and spills along the way 

but when you get there

inot that there’s nothing 

but you are 

nothing to do 

nothing to know 

there isn’t the least danger 

there’s not a thing you’ll feel

nothing passes over

though others may say so 

it’s lovely to be certain of these things we cannot know 

some there are simply can’t wait for oblivion 

let’s just say we were made for this 

it’s been a pleasure to meet you here

#1027 - the strawberry morning in Amsterdam




the strawberry morning in Amsterdam 

with playmate

at pigeon height 

all depending how the light’s arranged

not everyone will see how it’s sliding 

things compel you 

so comply

they too have the crooked lean  

ever loyal to a Spanish king or could be 

every impact fatal and more 

well, we’re here 

next season in the queue

can you call any of this work?

and have the means of self transporting 

the old witch pile on once 

it’s cause someone kept a ledger 

gold and slaves and hateful religion 

now the fluffy bunnies fly 

we can be free

were there not this glass here 


it’s sinking in any case 

you know that the walls could fall away

it’s by the grace of some republic 

tiny houses in the town 

the steepest steps in the world

could no one have rung a bell?

it’s lovely to know that one is breaking a law somewhere

in time the clouds are brick by brick too

there’s more sleep under there