Friday, 21 January 2022

#751 - try not to close the eyes





try not to close my eyes


my handwriting is becoming someone else’s

paint won’t scrub

I’m elbows in the picture


let the fenceline prosper

hear the hollow pobble bonk


it’s light returning till

a pocketful of handsleight rhymes

away among

continuous harvest of days past


things I collect were never intended

shadows fall where rain stood


the brightening in patches now

we’ll call afternoon


gods are full of it

thick and fast, the moments, hours


notice the day, too, turning


my lapse a persistence

my time becoming time after me


make up whatever story you like

as long as you’re doing


was it safe in there, once they knew

to hide?


nor twice the same I am

led off


for innocence’ sake

I have changed the names to protect myself  


in the mirror

try not to close the eyes

I fear they may have me away

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