Friday, 14 January 2022

#744 - with love to busting





with love to busting

for Beth Spencer, riffing on her ‘such is life in a small town’


with love to busting

is where we began

is how

or I like to think that way


then come to the mirror

and kitten to play

little wooden and dolly too


this is all about getting it wrong

how you decide a life


see self at the said

that’s pride

then call God



spread out

ripples of innocence into the world


laughter runs the rug

much tickle

rounded with a rest


the records show born somewhere

or they’re lost

so are we all


with love to busting

so surrender

now think of forever to fit


life is an expansion

imagine impossible

where else from?


nothing everlasting

why do they call these flowers


it’s easy to think

someone has to have thought of this first

when actually so little is like


during the day

but on a clean night

it’s obvious

we must be far


if a rock comes from another world

how much more likely is life?


everyone likes to imagine  

poor Ned


there’s something not quite right about truth

how a world goes round


a book begins everywhere

in its first light all the day


ah yes we have been here

and so will again

pictures for gratification


with many if not most things

it’s because I love you

we do

and might get busted for


wherever one opens the page

is a world falls in

with love – a signing off


you don’t leave anyone

they come along with


wherever the chariots for gridlock

artisanal bones under


yes you can ride an empire down

and so we should


with love to busting’s how to come

read it whichever way


but everybody lied

it’s how we get to sleep sometimes

and make the future fast


who is it fills the heart?  then ask!


juggernaut, behemoth

id monsters, much besides

all in a bedtime story

a habitat blue words

bower birds connect

told with love to trust


at the bottom of the maze where we live

and of the day I mean


so far sung

the happy returns

none of this ‘ye know not’


but there is a shadow valley

developers move in

come by way of aphorism

would make a mountain angry


and all across the universe

call it!

such is life!


poor poor possums

poor poor bears


cliché is philosophy

we read it upside down


this is the life worth living

turn it up with a stick

ah ha!


they have rivers here just for drowning

a noose for the office

for the commute

and/or chained to sink in skirt


deep of the cliché comes light

and then thing shows through word


somebody said the truth would set free

it’s better not to look


doesn’t matter if no one said

won’t matter if you’re gone and dead

now it’s been said and done


but let me

tell it once again


on a clear night

is it not obvious

we must be very far?

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