Thursday 23 July 2020

#204 - vertigo - nystagma - BPPV

vertigo – nystagma
one for the organ recital

come from wobbly
need to slow, steady on
little chill to begin

hold bung, round and round
and here we go again
there really is no pill

there’s knowing the signs
took my head for a spin
and the world was perfectly still

ping of the tender nerves
like a string goes twang
we can call them crystals

bout of, dose of, say ‘attack’, ‘relapse’
world’s horizontal hold went
somebody read me a poem then

the exercises! an act of will
to mend God’s act (a k a luck buggered)
tilt and start again

little mortality
a nip at the heels
remember me? still here!

how many fingers I am holding up?
always a sleight
how many horses?

a merry-go-round
but I’ll get back on one
I made hay while the sun shone

there’s any least brightness
might just
bear us away 

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