Saturday 25 July 2020

#205 - moonshot

moon shot
not quite apostroph

of course the moon is
rabbit struck
old man
and witch it too    
(Selene snoozing)

George Méliés takes aim
like mud in your eye
or a cake thrown

careful with everything to touch
it must have a dark side too
giant mushrooms!

(capture a few of the alien insects)
something smaller than we saw
are the inhabitants

often gone but will be back
it was untimely torn

still it is a mirror to shine
and silver in the dust close up

does ocean up
and heaves the weed

colours for what reason?

Earth’s older
gets to be green
if we allow

a moon is biscuit bit
and bone

rounder than many an asteriddle
and this one’s ours by name

some call a little clockwork from it
vacuumed, packed
the music’s dry

middling with its month

moon’s all hung about with stars
and just about forgotten

it must be like that gone-ness
to which we go

come Rover
go on have a howl

where’s that cat?
who’s chasing?

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