Wednesday 22 July 2020

#203 - in the after truth

in the after truth

where much forgetting

some were diagnosed with it
bitter best
and telling

on a short leash
could still chase tail
have a snap at
whose heels?

you had to read it between the lines

cadences and rush to finale

a waltz around
who was that masked man (?)

so all aglow for glory was
a foot on the neck until …
and say the name so sacred
yes we always will

lay down where we left off

ramshackle truth!
the new house I dream every night

was bright shining once
went everywhere for free

it stood serifed was once sung to be
had to remember then

came with crackling on the rind
and through static too

a lie for instance

the truth has been shut down
was costing too much

we were all telling
buried in an open pit

it’s seldom though noticed
we’ve survived
everything till now

a little nippy out
but woke to a lovely fire

we always were midst of much
iniquity makes this din

now the Cretan liar is king 

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