Tuesday 21 July 2020

#202 - upstairs in winter

upstairs in winter

among the notebooks lately lost

everyone’s upstairs waiting for me
doorless, overhung

where I have dreamt to paper
now gather to assert

where I’m puzzled in
under glass and tin, in timber, jumper
seasonally adjusted

all rise to
little eyrie
what’s that tune up the stairs with me?
giant’s treads

squeeze daylight from cloud
days forget us

old socks off on the rack
overheads, walls
who steps the tin above?

how heavens are suspended
no one gets older up
in time beyond the possible
back in the book
where once left off

it was raw time told  
a forest dawn all day
you only have to look out

I make a document of self and breath
up warm in branches
same words always after me

downstairs the cold comes up from the floor
a clock chews through
you can hear it

but this is the sun realm
higher, close
a chimney stillness till

and through smoke
I made myself
crafted so many words gone

will other heads be so lost
as in my vanish here?

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