Sunday 19 July 2020

#200 - the forgetting

the forgetting

we lost the days of the week
the names of the months
things that had meaning before were gone

ropes of phlegm
we went stumbling
always the shortest way
and dizzy
holding heads
or cradle

always midst of much

things lost were forgotten
and come again

all saying is sooth
we had cloud for supper
there was no … but lost the word

ill winded even sunstuck
by reputation, down
testaments of new, old, next

we lost our appetite for it
and what was that?
something further up the page
run rings

thing was and we were with

I recognize certain signs
           of having been …
elsewhere in the poem for instance

writing ran off
and what’s behind this door?

it changes
and we are
come to the pointy end

hear the animals
the braying, the baying


still stuck
her lips
and his enigma

thing like what?
just say the lie
and all agog
the wish believers
sky of fairy fitted
and trust your sins
to visit later

democracy depended
like a lamp
as from whimsy, high

draw the curtains secretly
here we rock
must keep the dream home
else forest of robbers
wild ravening
up dark with the trees

it’s as if this had always been coming
even forget to look for a thing

yes, you read it here
well felt

it was radio as if majestic
in a vanish

prophecy’s opposite – all in
are you now?


here’s the heap screaming
and how we go down

please let me know, won’t you
why does a thing survive?

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