Saturday 18 July 2020

#199 - two poems - I dream through death & salute to the future

two poems

I dream through death

muses on me

all the houses mine
and the land rolled flat

I go back there
I have been again
always more in the corners

they are built one over the other
like words
why don’t we use them?

all are belonging

crop up as if under a jungle of weeds
but the place is dry

first land of not remembering
how can I not be from here?

of course I am where I am
the other life’s not where we understand

it’s yellow far
day faded
I trap the ages
edge to gold
and mist it
till all willing

salute to the future

and will you forgive me?

I huffed and puffed till here
rickety me a wobble towards

remember how space-age?
the future is a thing of childhood
so far it’s moments till

the messy past before I was
and I am not responsible

just a little visit upon
the body to be in

it’s how I am imagined too
pitter patter joy towards

George Washington’s teeth
forgive, as well pity
the slave master’s riches

the wobble world

I love the fresh come boomerang back

I hacked and coughed because we were smokin’   

you probably don’t want any tips
I’m hardly in a position

here nevertheless my future salute
I’d say ‘take your time’
I admit to being the rug out from under  
I was full of tricks

where’s free will?
where’s the blue sky to do?

I got lost in the poem there
and now I am elided

still they cast spells
more than one under

we call it the top of the hour
and come to the news again
that was the future
                   just now
and tip toe through keep breathing

was it consensual with the world
all Genesian again
the name calling
and everything’s new

I see it hilltopping far in the half-life glow
mounded trash

all bung further than the eye can see
all bung because of mine and me

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