Saturday 20 June 2020

#171 - in a garden of stars

in a garden of stars
note from a solstice

long night
our breath in air
if moon

it’s June
and joy of walks among them

every leaf collecting
waits on the living daylight

I go quiet
nobody notices

awe else
the chemistry is worlds before
stars that were

tall through the trees
am the gossamer thread

still morning with
just a few notes

years we light
no hours here

pulse emits just us
whizz round in unusual blue

that flower, death
till though

dream deeps
citadels of sleep

own sun under

till come you conjuring beak
up feather
fly the firstness

lay these branches
in the vanish

rugged up with Goldilocks far shine
and take the trail
adventure exotic

just these few bright
and wink it

under a broad brimmed hat of heavens
days to be longer now

and up is down
all go round

it is so
in a garden of stars

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