Friday 19 June 2020

#170 - Wollstonegrad pad

Wollstonegrad pad

as time is my witness
April in June
(what a difference a lockdown)

every home is limbwidth in
flats and sharps

I was followed by a piano, sundry strings
selection of old works and progress

green from all windows
if some days nippy, dim

echoes of was
budget deco
train came

I’d like a picture of the first day here
and see them moving in
no wi-fi at all

jazz between wars

my dad just arrived
trundles by on the rails
his English is better every day

century back
there was the shame of Mary
escaped estate
before that
who saw the sails first
wisely fled from midden
up the hill to here

where the Central Committee convenes once more
and it’s socialism in four old rooms

details bedevil
who would have thought the floor would come up?

a place to dream the bush
and it’s there – under the line
‘just footsteps’ as an agent would say
minutes to Wynyard and Chatswood
and all the smaller world

one retires to childhood

a purgative some sort
this less
in the great midst

roll on the floor
and look up to trees
do the leaf drift down

there is some craft to it yet

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