Sunday 21 June 2020

#172 - two poems - can't give you anything but and passing the shortest day

two poems 
can’t give you anything but

come cloud
take this summons, flit

it’s funny how love hangs around you
even after all the years
and things you’ve done

like winter breath
a mist come with

tells you’re here
even when long gone
thought the well was dry

though undeserving
love remembers you

tells in portents, palms
and which of us is worthy?

this glint between and off we go
a thing you sleep towards

past death still love
makes its mystery alive
and what I’d do to make you mine

direct the heart
(sweet beating thing)
to land or other object
take tree
and love till top
or where roots reach till least
now touch

of course it is imagining
and yes there are days it thins

it’s like a list to be corrected

you try to cross love out
that only leaves you under erasure

the animals just as remembered
and what was whispered then

quilt cling of winter
summer skin to skin
just for instance porridge bears

it’s hello sunshine
for a wrestle
and tickle you under there

have you been dizzy with it again?
seen stars?

hearts arrow prey
and then kebab

love creeps like a stain in the soul
that’s something else isn’t either
but comes all sorts

yes, summoned to it
I would say  
made like a mist to be  

we have to have been sung here
no one dreams this far

a flimsy bliss
but blessed

passing the shortest day

and bring the things to burn
(empty autumn’s bin scraps)

make hearth breath vastness
first of bright

we set fire to all other seasons
wool up
pull over ears

few fly
skate the frozen heights

cold comes through everything now
and settles on us

stay dreamt

become the blanket
be the dance
stay in
take lowest notes to heart

stare out the fire
it’s full of flowers

and someone lit to tap the window
a little bird called Spring                 

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