Thursday 18 June 2020

#169 - true vine

true vine
for gosbother

I become omen 
lose the thread
my own adventure
it’s like luck lost
could have been any line

once I was a trick of light
tangle of old tunes

I become a secret charm
become the bones
bury my own  
I touch a chord and strum
later dig
find the ass’s ears

I am the aum truth light
get to be a hunch

residue like cordite
and dusting for the prints

I become compost, worm it, break down
travel to the top of the tree
branch out in the leaflight

I become another animal altogether 
lose a word and others find me

I become an open book  
ray of sunshine

become became

better than the thing I lost
and cannot name

I was a great leap forward once
made hammer and sickle starving train
then I was aghast at myself

wilderness wishes!
precious mettle
winter it

become a hibernant
crawl out
I take the time   
time takes me till  
plough a dizzy field
orb spin
and web the ways between

I’m one thing and another  
not the arrow though
I have fallen for old tricks
(guilt in the forgetting)

I took the land
and I was robbed

far enough back
we were all tree
the ancestors are legion
carve you up without blinking
and I was one of them

became trope
and quivered with
I floated cloud smoke
wisp away

I was carnival, a party – just add life
became a wishing trap  

stumbled onto over myself
in the stacks
tripped under

I have been alone with this skin
and became a lost cause

tangle am

was I the little bird led us – lark rise?
or else some insect snack?
made fish mid-Cambrian

I’ve been a secret

was long gone
then you opened at this page

everywhere but vanishing
so you have to guess

I’ve been a secret well kept 
and mostly had to share

wasn’t I majestic to queen it?

a dog barked out of the screen
I was bitten by the bullet
so laid down these lines here

in the beginning
what was the word?

this I ends up no I at all

couple of first thing wallabies thud
tree down and hollow under
out of the picture stage left

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