Wednesday 17 June 2020

#168 - a choke hold

a choke hold
narrowing the mind

who do you make yourself
from the one bone to fetch?

you could call it a law
false equivalence
how fair our pictured past?

keep asking

who’s catching by the toe?
who squeals?

eeny meanie
everyone’s equal
past is all behind

whistle me up some dinner
say boy
will you won’t – I’m all expectation
don’t disturb me now

all these crosses to burn
strange fruit

who with the shackles?
who with the whip?
who was the invader?

narrowing the airways
focuses attention

thins the skin
never fell far from the tree

chipped shoulder of the china shop
and play a harp to thee

who’s willing to compromise here?
see reason
be a real white man

can anyone hate?
just anyone?

a privilege?
decent treatment?
shall we rearrange the words?

sticks and stones have done it again
the names were egging on though

miney mo

maybe this one’s okay?
how much air do they really need?

some have lost the signal
forgotten fundamental facts

like how we’re here
who was before
how everybody came

keep asking

who’s got the guns?
safe behind the condo walls
or will it be the Alamo?

everyone wants to be whiter
pure as the driven

all things wise and wonderful
crack in the liberty bell

what was Davey Crockett king of?
got the guns with the sure-fire aim

serenity and rage
moments of awakening
always some sleep through

whole continents were not mislaid
nothing here and now

a statue conquest
like a clock that won’t tell time

them redskin varmints the volunteers tamed

why isn’t it called the National Handgun Association?
pretty little purse, cute gun

why do we talk the way we do?

a skin is a skin you’d think
keep asking

consider the shades of injustice
don’t we all breathe the same air?
one sea to swim, but some can’t
some folk choke on it

think of cosmetic change
keep on with shifting the goalposts
pulling the rug out from under

a can of worms for Christmas
which colour dreamiest
who’s asking?
how do we cause offence?

mainly it’s the sins of the fathers
visiting again

when you’ve had enough of the system
lash out

fresh questions!

do think there is such a place?
safe, where there isn’t any trouble?

special paint
just to get you in corners
… lovely pawprints out

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