Tuesday 16 June 2020

#167 - alight here for Greenwich

alight here for Greenwich
a sandstone waking
(much thanks to the bushcare mob)

two worlds
which side of the shade
flats and mansions
a long bridge gullies it, fern high

what’s suburb to this?
hedge straight, kerbed
a weekend for the garden

this giddy pause and lean bridge midst
in fern tops now come out of the drought

piano rife, a rush of hooves imagine
mid afternoon
private school boater goes by –
that’s money in the boy

there are two worlds
streets lavender, momiji maple
coleus and lemon light

how many hundred brushbox years?
and someone let
cause once too hard
and now much loved

each tree its own world rising
always just as far under, unknown

the joggers in their lonely suspicion
won’t see out of the track

two worlds – then and now
the fast world and this one afoot

take the path leads down to the water

overhead a Sydney song
and orchestra concealed

of how once like this everywhere
banksia besides
no motors then

all paws and wings
and wondering

I lost a clock
I lost a way in time

then who’ll come barefoot?
trip the stones
seasons of a love still here
I mean the sixty thousand years

all mourn and sorry
so acknowledge
lose a self in praise

now past mosquito time
but mindful

sometimes to the sun is bliss

lose the garden walks
shade thoughts

never twice the same
blue up above
and the blue far ahead

slip down to the harbour
and sail

so that’s another world in this

then when you’re away
you’re here
are you?

most are on the phone

all uphill till the train

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