Monday 15 June 2020

#166 - towards the vanishing point

towards the vanishing point

I take the track
that leads to the dusk

it’s in me
where I’ve been before

mud hoof and leaf light

thinking first thoughts
and none at all

breath by breath
find my feet

I call the track to me in tunes
air winged
where I walk
and I’m
a certain amount of engine splutter
clouds of me caught
shafted sun
the eye shades from

here in the any-winter-day

so much so-what-ery, just for the record

a sandstone waking!
glimpse of the riches
blue for a distance
another above

roots between rocks
let me recite
angophora twist
banksia games
how many brushbox years?

in this last solid light of the day
hear a heart
know the footfall mine

stumps of the toppled
lightning once
or long since felled
now in fine fernery
and mossed

ancient, the love before I was
and go among the trees

towards the vanishing point

I take the track
that leads to the dusk
and leave the dusk behind

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