Monday 15 June 2020

brush walk

brush walk
trickling down Berry's Creek on the Gore Cove Track

down in the sunshine
trickle and slip

follow the turkey trail
crept till
lens tendril of
mud boots
their bliss
to be afoot

hear moss and drip

lost words
let voice -- the singing air

I think you know the calling

walk out of the little life
into this magic complexity -- bush
where leaves have fallen for the street
(sandstone leavings, ivy twirl)

commute the track
as if no hours are required

it’s fronded, overhung with
all that’s washed this far

it’s under ledge
and blue beyond
time tricked from the clock

frames itself to picture me
alone, alive as naked as
just these lines

climb down
cross where dry
or later, wade

birds nest
pebble it in creekshine

be fern flung
only breathe to be

here down among the so-various fallen

so trickle down to the harbour

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