Monday 8 July 2024

#1651 - the house is back




the house is back

for the dreambook  


you dreamt it here

and just as it was


she is pottering

garden inward


they’re here too

on the driveway


there’s a conversation

there’s something new hung inside


it doesn’t matter about time

no one thinks of that


it’s the old house

the house as was


before it was sold

before the strangers


what they did

had to do undo


still here

there’s a part of you


reasons it out

impatient for the day of tasks


sometimes you won’t even see

you’re in the other place now


it doesn’t matter

let it go


barely light when you remember

how it is


we are

as if the day were put aside


the same sandstone birds

as far from sleep as ever


writing in the dark

on the open page


writing over all

that was before


so we might find it here

like this


a penance to have dreamt

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