Saturday, 22 January 2022

#752 - family tree





family tree


as if in a dream

they come to me


on the trail

by the wheel to rut


horse merchant

flour merchant

the always wife

and the door-to-door


who are they?

and ask the same


often one has to guess for them

the names fall away with time


a time before imperial decree

names were as far as remember


I stay in bed where strange birds sing

they are playing cards again


with Béla of the many wives

let’s count –


(he sold her jewellery while she wasn’t looking)

Paula, my grandmother, never met




that’s five

but according to dad there were more


each knows her his way

and the verses

or whom to ask


they keep me half awake with this

as if the past

were trying to remember me


faceless, up a tree

when all are in the ground


let the dead look after themselves

dad said Jesus said


see the dew falling

hear the first light


like father like son

kind of climbing

and never fall far from the tree

         they say


new walls and thatch my head


what did these brothers do?

Ignácz (who was Izidor first)

then Izidor, who kept the name

Heinrich (became Kornis),

and Géza was the architect


respectable, eking out

climbing into the branches


Berta and Riza, daughters of Rozália

constantly expecting ruin  


into the branches


some of them are a chimney

intimate and gone


they are asking

who are you?

what will you become?


we are waiting all the while


I have another side of the world

you’d never believe how I’m here


it’s like somebody went into a book

and was never seen again


and now you mention it –

that’s how I feel myself, looking back


out of the colourless dawn, as of mist


traipsing for a portrait

driven and driven to this


hard graft

and how we come by

least and most credulous these


I know these people, they own and disown

in time before forgetting themselves

when there was a language


so many pretending

and tricked from religion


God saw all

as they take to the grave


it’s between me and sleep

it’s all as if in a dream


I must be one of theirs


further and back they bury

until we’re in the Bible

flight and flood – hard lessons

and come to the garden at last


there’s always another side of it –  

the family when the child is born

you won’t see those peering in

all as if in a dream


I am holding them in my head while I can

they each have an end of my heart

a belonging


as strange as the birds of my home


thanks to the research of Anna Fenyvesi, Diana Ruzsa and other friends at MACSE

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