Monday, 17 January 2022

#747 - kiss





(catalogue for reference only)


cover me with

or consider how up the arm and over

Gomez, Morticia, it’s a Latin thing


kiss of the wind on a cheek



or never been

but put your back into it now


a screen kiss only lips amiss

grist to the mill such

lest tongue shovel


kiss in the dark

and who knows whom?


here the French are blamed


breathless on the doorstep

when no one’s said ‘come in’

‘come up’


kiss much made of

these are the roses in cheek

brisk kiss


run up a leg till tickle

and where

I think we’re alone now


before it’s too late

a kiss through the bars

and the zoo begins


consider the black tailed prairie dog

and take your oxytocin


bishop’s ring

blarney stone


here’s one stolen

on the chin

unusual, but still

(gender notwithstanding

‘you may now kiss with pride’)


kiss from which, record setting

have to come up for air sometime  


to seal it

wet sloppy betrayal

like dog to empty bowl now licked

pervy, lurid

teddy too


Moses greets his father-in-law

or Paul at Ephesus –

they fell on his neck


of two balls on the table

the air cheeks

or the kiss resisted

tongue down

filthy near

the ashtray lips


how often or not a ghost bestows

to keep us going so


heavy metal

swift barouche

make mine a madrigal with nighting


when nothing’s more to say

no one ever saw it

this bliss

and come again


one stops conversation

another stops the world


had that Franz Ferdinand

and princess pashed then

Hitler never would have lit

but handlebar moustaches!


home now, down the gangplank

and bend to the sod these fervoured lips


in an old novel he ejaculates

in another she recoils


under lucky mistletoe too


won’t quit

in and out of socks, pyjamas

under the old bed clothes


the kiss of luck

and some precede or follow a rhyme


under Section 294 of the Indian legal code, better not


there is this with which one is preoccupied

weeks in the planning

or keep the taste still on the lips

drink to me only  and so on


fancy flights!

kiss that whitens lies


then there is


the kiss persisting despite

the break up kiss

the make up kiss

the last kiss of the night

will it be mine? will you?


a casual aside

come hither

kiss of the tribe like a secret sigh

and some forbidden

who can know?


of pomp, circumstantial kiss

of the co-respondent

though nothing can be proved


a covid risk kiss

means much more

than the kind when we were kids


pull out all the stops

time tells

a kiss that missed


unofficial kind


a virtual kiss keeps me from afar


Gethsemane, betrayal

kiss at the bottom of the bottle

we’ll swim for


a biblical kiss will do your begetting

euphemistic for

the kiss that consecrates doomed calf

call it the Christmas kiss


in your stocking

or a booth set up, hugs too


ironic the kiss

which means must guess


last firing squad wish

on the day of the bullet delayed


and some have fallen for it

kiss of death, some say

others, as if into a pit

(that one false first step fits)


epilepsy brought on


pepper the air with prospect

kiss linger



(you won’t remember when the wedding was

but you’ll remember this)


kiss for which you have long fished


kiss on a dish as dogs do

till shine a snout


as if a well were tongue tip


kitsch kiss, too much lippie

vulgar leer either side

much whisker

and bristle bit

while I’ve got you


somewhat practised on a mirror

a kiss left in the misting glass

of the train already far


kiss at disembarking

when the luggage is concerned

aunts, uncles, sainted relics

(plague once spread that way)

come here, old stick


not every kiss can make the list

please just kiss me quick


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