Monday, 31 January 2022

#760 - just to keep us going





just to keep us going


the pheromones

a nag of care

don’t forget

argument thin

foot traffic

wall because

anticipate foes

the end-in obsession of men


each craft

nail driven home


hold your breath

love comes

the words the wheel

the hope to be free


taunt, riddle

punchline laugh


pall to bear

call to arms


dinner of course

the a hillside of berries

a cup of tea



metronome wind up


and need to name


a little of the all of us

all just so that we may


tautology too



the secret of ourselves


pay your taxes

tell the tale

receive this bread for light


of a morning

upright again

not telling

time in its pyjamas


tunnel end

the idea of duration

an egging on


arrow of the halfway fallen

the womb wish again


to be more than bones forgotten


dreams of flying keep me up


this is the song – join in!

esperanta serio #185 - ekfrastiko - interrompita bankedo




"Banquete Interrupido" de Juan José Gárate Claveros

de la Muzeo Thyssen en Malago



ĉu estas bona tago

por la virbovo

kiu interrompas la bankedon?


malhela figuro

vosto supren

ĉiuj kornoj el sunlumo


disĵetas stangon por fruktoj




sub la tablo

aŭ saltis supre


kiaj ŝtrumpoj, punto!

cinabra veluro

tiom malmulte da malordo

al la katalogo de ĉi tiu merceristo


oreloj kovritaj

do estas nur la bildo

perukoj kaj ĉapeloj kaj mebloj

kalorioj forbruligitaj pro streso

ĉiu mano esprimplena

por montri kiel manoj estas desegnitaj


malbona okulo super la pordo

Madono por trankvilo

en ŝia malluma niĉo supre

ŝtono senpasia

kiel la virbovo estas antikva


kia plezuro en ĉi tiu senmoveco!

en la momento



neniu el ni

scii kion ni faras




Juan José Gárate Claveros' 'Banquete Interrupido'

from the Thyssen Museum in Malaga


is it a good day

for the bull

who interrupts the banquet?


dark figure

tail up

all horns out of sunlight


scatters a trestle for fruit

a still life


under the table

or leapt on top


what stockings, lace!

cinnabar velveteen

so little disarray

to this haberdasher's catalogue


ears covered

so there's just the image

wigs and hats and furniture

calories burnt off with stress

every hand expressive

to show how hands are drawn


evil eye over the doorway

Madonna for calm

in her dark niche above

stone impassive

as the bull is ancient


what pleasure in this stillness!

in the moment



none of us

know what we do 


Sunday, 30 January 2022

#760 - the emancipation





the emancipation

thoughts of unsleep


forget which way it was over the border

I remember the Sydney Harbour Bridge

and other side Byzantium

everyone had to walk

who had a passport back then?


it was quinquereme

and palanquin


‘why believe this one?’

ancestor asked

for which temerity and custom

became a vine and grew

the garden over

air as free as sunlight there

hands cupped for the rain


all the while a rhapsody

whatever strings there were

and tuned them

minor corners

scurry, run

pitchforks, flaming brands


you have to imagine what we were chained to

can put a year on it

there was a tax on being

it was named after us

for municipal pride


spring again, the old riff

cruel days of now and then


can sing in any language, mend


in all the forms of time we sink

you can look for me

we’ll be gone


esperanta serio #184 - neĝo plenigos



neĝo plenigos


neĝo plenigas

kie ĝi

fluos poste

kiam estas

ne plu neĝo


mia menso havas ion

de ĉi tiu stilo

mi konas min mem

nur por nun

sed nek kiam nek kie

mi iros


neĝo plenigos



snow will fill


snow fills

where it will later flow

when it’s no longer snow


my mind has

something of this style

I know myself

for now

but neither when

nor where

I go 

Saturday, 29 January 2022

#759 - speak to me, you stones





speak to me, you stones

thinking of Goethe and Freud in Rome


it’s only the truth interests me

some people tell it

as if it were there

as if they could reach out, touch

this once in a lifetime

never to be repeated

and then we’d know

who we were

when we were


gladiating lions

kiss ring

make eternal


it’s only the truth interests me


glory that was

all witnessing


as trees scribe over

clouds colour

a sudden bird

stain of the rain

runs down


pale marble

some people call

the gods

to praise

the crookedness

of all


and flung!


cold stones so far from fire

each a race sprung up


the city is over here


as if we could reach out, touch

the last dark to which

grows back


how they all lie hidden

once in a while


spread the stain of self

of headsup, topple too



who, unplinthed

and legend gone

makes mighty

lightning takes


ghosts, come each through another

in monument


rags of the open air

run square

for a museum


feel the mind vanishing

of names, of who we are


imagine it all back

the jumble



speak to me, you stones


in sunlight purples

in rags of snow

then would we

count straight lines


keep all these deaths in the open, out

truths of reach

and overbalance


once, just now

and never


each season its own

who, when

and topple too

last the dark

to which

and ever

the how of far

and have to


there is a stillness belies

the every orb spin


who has it in such bones

to speak?  


when we were who

how had to be


it’s only the truth interests me

and some people tell it

as if it were there

as if they could reach out, touch

this once in a lifetime

never to be repeated

and then we’re know

who we were

when we were

and how things

had to be


you can keep all of this in your head

esperanta serio #183 - subskribo





mi falis en skribon de infano

vojaĝis tiun vojon reen

mallerta buklo por buklo

reen al la dentoj

al la lango

kaj antaŭe


marborda skribado

de la oceano

mi sekvis

la kurso de la tringo

kaj insektoj

sub arboŝelo


kaj, ĉie, mi estis


estis io, kion skribis la vento

iu signo inter steloj

mi ne povas memori nun





I fell into child’s writing

traveled that way back

clumsy loop for loop

back to the teeth

to the tongue

and before


shore scribing

of the sea

I followed

the sandpiper’s course

and insects

under bark


and, everywhere, I was


it was something the wind wrote

some sign among stars

I can’t remember now