Monday 26 October 2020

the bees


Here is my poem 'the bees' that won the Hunter Writers' Centre Award tonight in the 2020 Newcastle Poetry Prize
You can read the poem here:

unfortunately, for some odd, reason, blogger keeps vanishing these bees... which is why I am now, for the third time, putting up a simplified post of them
(there were originally about 25 bee pics in here)

here is a video on facebook of me reading the poem

the bees




to hive the mazed wood

because a forest lost us

afoot, where no leaf falls


fresh green to twig


all on the wing and never a prayer

store summer from the flowers spilt

breathe the secret paths of air


in ways of season got beyond


hear rain from distance

and see it to the pond, this age

of spears stood lightly thrown


fresh on the face where fallen


it has our hills away  

climbing to be forgotten   

a flutter  can you come consider?


rise with an inch up sun


in among leaves, bright

to be all other-worlded here

their pollen to the clock waxed hands


I bring a magic door  see me


and paint the sunshone world for you

so crooked woods bend paths  

and these new pages of the tree


were such a song   


stood past the map    

sweet summer in the branches yet   

last bee in its dusk flight and vanish  


having never been before   








the track is not where it was    


winds twisting out of recollection


someone is under, for a spell

and all around my wonder


let the scourge be sweet


names of the bees, shall we recite?


no, they are secret still







spin like sparks


in their night of smoke, hoard the sun


they wear it in stripes, wear the dark


in the hour before the shadows come, still golden


bees have gathered the day to this end –

the light within the hive









telling them


secrets intimate, births, marriages  

the goings and the comings home


but most of course the keeper’s death


like a rosary each blessing


they are of an afterworld, from

and through the mirror


knock on the hive and tell the tune

lift the lid, lean in


the bees must all be told

















an Easter of their passion


call then the colour of lions


finding, getting    bearing about


a winter of their warming


can you hear how they tell?


who will box the flight?

in leaf such a sky as they bring


woken, are the drift of toil to joy


see question marks for halo round


call us to other hidden things


in the dance we never see

bees are teaching again

they are calligraphers of heaven


with tracks of pointed fire, scribes set down the day  


may we be minded, arc and tangent, climb empyrean,

melt wings to wax  no two turns same


show the moment for itself


such signatures they make away

we follow to find ourselves  

the bees are a wheel


whoever worked the treetops

saw the unleafed sun

and knew the honeyed roundness


or else we might have dreamt

our flight among the flowers

flitting one to one



a hover and a hum


over the hay

on the threshing floor


how brief a flower, all?


bees live in a poem like this


sunstriped through shutters

a whiff away low, over the chaff


guess at the angle, gyre and climb


bees are an innocence passing


told always on alive, a hum


to the sugar in the bowl


in this afternoon, to tea


the workers


could be queen, each


because they went their Monday rounds

and made their ways where no bee was


out of the hive night nameless

who make pure the light


here they are far in the firstness again

and petal bound to tell the deeps

one and one more they bring


that is so the flower sings

that never was before


the hive is a store of labour


a system of shadows

take off and landing


endlessly from hollow rock

rank and file swarming


all golden, by the book

fates are offered, wheat kneaded with


and where they hive

it’s honey cakes for Cerberus


bind a cup with wreaths around


before Dionysus took wine

there was this libation









the elocution of the bees


tell on, and sweetly once bees spoke


before that though sang valour, loves


the bee-loud grove, the bean rows

hung in heads, alley long the roses


no honeyed words but hard fought

precious we are to hearts


how we are the tribe we are

we were so we will be


seasons are in the bees


the summer hive on fire

dog days camp outside

all angered as one insect, we


drowsy, dodge a raindrop


and if the winter queen should lay

then all of us may die



the spaceman and the smoking gun


here home in memory – the mindspeck

more than one star’s light shows


as pictured in the compound eye?

bringers of sunshine so, aliens among  


all godlight in the littlest


door in the hive, figure moted in smoke


how far such craft are come! 




make a hole in the page


who flies through?


the watercolour bees, those in oil, the macro


the wings are faster than the eye, and make a garden where they go


bees of the dream imagine us hived in the honey and no one at home


of tinsel lit, here are the angels unbibled


sting my enemy and die  

I go to grace that way


come to the flower and kiss like this

keep it under your wings


































time in the text


where the bees have gone, all are immortal  


and best never knowing which way we are

how we came or where to go     


the bees were a suitcase I set up   

not wanted on the voyage  


now in a cowslip’s bell I lie

you see the arrows after flight?  


nun scribblers in their little cells

with all the words that ever were


they are making truth of light

that you may read it here   


jolly bees all vanish into a book


prophetic till the last      I think it is the holy madness


(satyrs clash cymbals, chase into a tree)


was a time this was the sweetest thing…


stone from the bounds of ocean creviced


ambrosia is brought       they’re drunk on one or another  

through dust, through weight of day, heroic


a book like this one you too are in        and will we

come out ever at all to give the breeze its wings?


a wilderness wild guess towards

the place does not consist of hours


we follow other creatures to the forest in the garden


growl, flap, do the business, tear


no one has understood yet why is this crisis to be?


bees bring us to an oracle  they have the power of rain




and even before the speaking sun    

  from nectar to proffer


with just a little meaning jig     

 lift from these waters, fly

the god of all is a visiting bee


a poppy bruised, meadow me

lay acres between


rye and the spring  all this propitious


stole, was stung and stings too


at the dripping comb  come lap







flit errant    in amber arrested    in a pond reflect

shone through the skin, for a mirror, look in


bumble and drone  a little bounce, buffet  


see through the smoke till devil may

driven from time altogether, banking…


all our sweetness and all, often dimmed to riff

a kind of doom must be


in wings of where we trick the light

come at it out of the blue

to feed upon mere air
















1 comment:

  1. let's hope blogger doesn't stuff it up again this time


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