Friday 10 July 2020

#191 - the old aquarium

the old aquarium

I remember
the old spiral staircase down
very Jules Verne
dream cartoon fish
and sea horse riding
jostle along under shark

so many varied glorious
colours of deep and shallows

so many such sharp teeth

corals dead of the air we breathe

sword and hammer
small fry too

at sea among such monsters
reflected in the glass

a nautilus spire down drowning
my glass bottomed head
among the dead men

darker the deeper you go but

view of the harbour
and yellow sands

there must have been music
down so many steps
slate and a hand to hold

something remembered from a dream back then
pirates had us on a plank down here
and someone said a locker
where the flying Dutchmen flew

harbour full of tugs, strange silver of another port
gruff beard of a voice and tales too far

of waves and the silence under

like a drill down
fathomless, on adventure
which is the same as voyage

green of the bush
and yellow the beach

there’s a ferry at the bottom
to bear us home, away

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