Thursday, 2 January 2020

#3 - make sure you're lying down ---> people expect...

3rd of January, 2020
make sure you’re lying down

people expect
the well to have water
walls to stand
and so the roof
enough to eat, see, do

basic stuff really

people expect
towers go up
rain to fall
three bars in the frost
and a summer fan
aircon all year’s better

people want
to be told
expect names to be called
they listen eagerly
and whisper

want their shops to stay up late
to file a grief in the ground

people make best guesses
hope a world invisibly to turn

they want the wisdom of the ages
and take this little pill

people expect
somewhere to live
a fair hearing
summary justice

my enemy’s enemy
will be my friend
and someone else too
something I forget

who doesn’t want
six square meals a day
pizza and gallows
but diet coke

hot ashes
our toys must love us too

people expect
the forest to burn
a Christmas for presents
trains of thought for interruption
stocks to rise forever

people expect
a next breath and some few to follow
to sign the dotted line, be rich

just dandy, calm carry-on
till arrows point the way
form up in an orderly queue

to keep heads in a terror, knitting
that this thing will pass

to tug the sacred handle

and some accept their lot

lark spree
some pocket
to jingle

there’s a resignedness some have
some wait for the field to retire

for their own wings to burn
take flight

where we stop
hearts together forever
and they want the extra day
when the stock come home
moon bluer
streak of Sundays

come to the end of the telescope
tell me rainbows there

folks in white coats
should travel the blood
with every dreamt prosthesis

people expect to hear the reasons
to be taxed
the hot potato drop

come droves!
coffins dance to flame
and horses for apocalypse

to have a road to drive on
proper times to keep

people expect their years to be new
just about now
that I am meek but roar

people expect the words they need
that the truth will out
puppy to follow
skies to groan laughing

grow gracefully to age
and a punchline
to joy in the tune
speak panic and spread

people expect
of course to live forever
with miracle and unicorn
pretty maids in a row
mops at the beach
do you suppose?

a stiff drink now well over the yardarm
and only the sun goes

people expect
to take things lying down
among the lions
with the wolves
and always wake

people expect

lark spree
some pocket
to jingle
drink the yardarm in

to keep heads in a terror, knitting
that this thing will pass

people expect
to tug the sacred handle

to joy in the tune
speak panic and spread
of course to live forever

to take things lying down
among the lions
with the wolves
and always wake

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