Saturday, 1 March 2025

#1888 - four hic et nunc drafts for Maggie Ball





four hic et nunc drafts for Maggie Ball




for my eye

and bite

sweet fleeting

scent stronger before


the next chomp

keep at the vanish fruit

till core

then rewind


to whole

so hold


and now the trip comes on


here’s the weight of another colour

it’s green again, it’s irridescent

the apple glows to fur, to feather

to carpet and to glass


the apple is a rock


you imagine the apple explodes


it was a world once

rind picked at when


but time has passed

it’s putrid


all the barrel gone


that Schiller’s apple in the drawer


to stimulate the mind


at his desk


a collection of plugs and wires

the screens

and all these books


dust under


dust between

all this ought to do

the diaries, dictionaries

many memory sticks, hard discs

envelope backs

my koala, my Munich tiger

little pictures of long ago

the webs around the windows

almost everything yet to finish


grain of desk timber

scratch against


walls hidden behind the words


Moomin eyes in brown paper


a fez


the strung rooster


little red beetle


5/-  10/-   £1   £2

red purple blue green – the coat of arms


a breeze from above

and the breeze from the other direction


ache in my various joints


socks loose, still a little clammy


an itch but now it’s gone


quick sip

light perspiration


the day under the day


a view from

where I am

where we are


and do my deathscroll

you do too


here’s spinning wheel of death


and in a patch of shock below


digging where to be bitten


tugged in every direction




just the taste of tea


little Japanese good luck god



and holding what?

colour of mud crafted

baked to be

a little bent with time

statue in solidity

and on the righteous way of luck


as if against the cold, this clutch


my father gave you to me

you’ve been with me all these years


pretence of unchanging

a history unknown


I try to make out a face

but I can’t see what was felt

silence is not where I sit

during John Cage’s first movement of 4’33”


I have a Chopin polonaise earworm

a bird above it

clumsy half remembering


tinnitus attention drawn

and the mind on its precocious wander

where the mind’s not permitted at all 

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