Sunday, 9 February 2025

#1868 - Quipu






panpsychist thesis

for  godsbother



quipu is the biggest thing ever


go on


dare ya

try maps


see how long it takes to get there

depending how you go

good to roll around a destination

though such a word could be misleading


quipu reminds us of just how big things could get

and whether you’re watching or not


if this big now

why not more later?

I don’t believe this is it

do you?


is it some kind of empire expanding?

idea more than mind?

and anyway, whose?

wrong question


what’s all around long gone


so high

so low

and so forth


so all around

you had to be there


mind alive!

and it’s an Inca thing



it’s one of the five

but the biggest so far


quipu is up close and personal


sounds like it came from the jungle

it’s stone


but makes no sound at all

as far as is known


colours all very well

if there’s someone to see


these are only the organs


what happens in Quipu

stays in Quipu


time to write an anthem!

o quipu! and so on

our quipu!


two hundred quadrillion is quite a claim

stars we’re talking


this is only the near universe


they say quipu won’t last forever


makes you wonder high how numbers go


look on these works ye mighty


and all the puny gods in awe


we tremble

that’s a sign of life

or what you’d have to think


some days the scope looks back to ask

how far in time we are 

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