Monday, 20 January 2025

#1848 - living in a parallel universe





living in a parallel universe



so many if not most have wished


where once was great, remember?


one imagines two front pages


took the wrong road


today the Kamala years begin

there was a better world

and why?


what did we believe?


in the Town of Tantrum

swamp and bubble

to drive the bogeys out


as in a book foretold


you don’t believe you say


all helium puff

and funny tune

the boy’s a big balloon


you say you don’t believe


but it’s happening

call it real time


say, can you see?

smoke clears

the tatters fly yet


then the billionaire banquet

with planetfry misogyny

grab pussy while you can


out with the others

in with ourselves

make steep the curve

cash up


go back to all that never was

there you will bathe in glory


who needs everything we fought for?


now tyrant, now vendetta


as war is my witness


ghost never gives up


let’s remember what could be


blue for a calm sea

red to enrage


ah yes, I remember it well


one begins to get an inkling

of just how fucked we are  

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