Wednesday 18 September 2024

#1694 - under our imagined stars




under our imagined stars

hammock lyric


the land was ours before we were the land’s

                    – Frost


and daybright while

the paling lasts


least daisies show through nicely


where it’s every motion spirits

thing to next and on


hammock for a question mark

persisting light

imagined stars


all this was someone’s so still is

in the few names left we have


and though there’s always

no forever


yet they, the ungone

dwell hearts and ours


for here is the attending calm

in a window not so


the apple under deer

leaf midst

grass high


perch precarious

the squirrel runup

tipping out


falls as it stands


in all the voices of the tree

the bringing of beyond

to bear


as we

from day to next

and next


murmur in the making yet


a song of how we came

and now

a song of how we’re here

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