Saturday 14 September 2024

#1690 - two poems to honour Ora Lerman




two poems in honour of Ora Lerman




in the house of the bunny and the brush

Soaring Gardens


the hills sunned outward

tractor wrapped


we are under black walnut

all here to be far


timber in paint

in the life that was


wooden whiskers

poise to pounce


a loyal stance still now

we are here to witness


flat stone walls

what’s there what’s not


someone like a kangaroo

someone like a tiger


the world green gold around

at the sign of the hallowed allée


door flung

we’re pharaohonic


eyes all amaze ablaze

a rooster, too, live at times


we’re the odd collection

have to do the trick


it brights the sky to ambulate

over the hills hear money run


but here the bunny of the bobbin sits

at the sign of the timber hopper, grass


page driven each on to the next

that’s time and we’re in it still


glyphside, cat over map

a fold in the geometry


the egg secreted and the egg attained

a rabbit all attention


life still, open mawed

and there’s parody of it


I make into words, let’s guess

some resigned, nor quite comedic


each serious, grim, to its own scale

at the work of being merely


least whence, this is place to be mossed

then are we trusted from a form?


quite still, calm, not about to leap

but there – it’s said


is this plane dimension?

the animal our own eyes in


place we see past, diagonals absolute

where birth is always about to be given


with what we call a soul

because we do not know at all


bright of elsewhere in the brush

a painting of the carving


of the creature in mind

by way of story far forgotten  


it’s in the spirit of the place

we must remember here







in a boat

with a bridge

here and gone


another of flowers

a slightest sky


the picture nothing to the place


here we are

a room’s reflected


the head dress meaning

one must guess


so elven present

quirky calm

she – wraithlike, slight, ethereal


and hear the day outdoors


as if it were we

now here prepared for


all this squirreling away


trees at their pitch of season


those eyes

always looking out

never where I’m from


in a boat

with a bridge

here and gone


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