Sunday 8 September 2024

#1683 - deplorables







people who toss their trash out the window

vote for Trump

who’d like to shoot at you

vote Trump


it’s all about their right to bear grudge


they leave the toilet seat up too

you can smell them coming


who would like to control what you do with your body

(whether or not you make great humans)

they vote Trump


the narrow, the fixated

know nothing know-it-alls

pornographers and ice addicts

vote Trump


they don’t like jazz, they don’t like sushi

there are very few cellists among them


of course we don’t know them all

and you really wouldn’t want to


though it’s not each Trumpist ticks every box


anti-Semites, Islamophobes

bigots all sorts

the mad and the demented

vote Trump


let’s drive the foreigner out

let’s insurrect!

vote Trump!


you get it


it’s people who hated their teachers

for Trump


the Russia wants Trump, the Netanyahu, the Orbán

all sorts


sky fairy people largely vote Trump

like he’s some kind of a saviour


go figure


but it’s not just them

there are always more


they creep out hungover from under haystacks

they want things back the way they never were

and can’t have been

but no one remembers


it’s serial killers for Trump

all the Hannibal Lectors


everyone loves a wall for Trump


Pied Piper and the mice are for Trump


meth cooks and tax cheats, fraudsters

it’s low down mean ornery skunks for Trump


rats in the ranks



whacky fantasists

flat earthers


the pixilated

everyone off with the fairies for Trump


mean fuckers, homophobes

selfish shits for Trump Trump Trump


the contrarians, hollow heads

the unfriends of reason

the treasonous too


the law unto themselves

the three cent penny for Trump!

he’s the wooden nickel

but you’d never know


the carrion

the anti-vaxers, the anti-Christ

the illiterate, the inept


foreign dictators all love Trump

wish that they could vote


oil barons, inherited wealth

sea level rise lovers are Trump all the way

up to everyone’s armpits

then again it’s all over their heads


members of his own family

they grind America into the dust

and have the bones for soup


that’s Trump

the stable genius


all that pussy to grab for Trump

and Trump alone


thick hicks for Trump

and evil urchins

the whitest trash is Trump’s


the highest court is stacked his way


drug dealers, people smugglers


who send their TESLAs into space


the incorrect love Trump

the incorrigible

and the incoherent

the inconsiderate


it’s selfish fucks for Trump

just Trump


anti-woke sleepyheads are for him


Rip votes for George III

it’s habit


the internal combustion engine loves Trump

he drives their piston

oil rigs are all for

and a gas pipe

and a cigarette

and great big fat cigar


the smoke pouring out till there’s no more sky

that’s Trump’s

and every animal to be ever eaten

bows down, bears neck

all for the love of Trump


all the glib for Trump

the told-you type

uncles, aunts

the little sarcastic laugh

the smug

‘oh things are so Biden bad

and all the children trans’


they must have an ogre-in-chief


that gunman firing from a wooded area

in both directions on the interstate

you got it


where there’s a climate of fear

it’s Trump


airheads and pinheads unite

it’s tall weeds, it’s hayseed

they redden their necks

it’s chumps for Trump




counterfeiters, criminals in general

the crapulous, carbuncular

those who can’t spell or add up


it’s cretins for Trump


big grizzly babies

closing time drunks turfed out

blame Biden, blame Harris, blame Clinton

the blamers are all for Trump


a broad church

of child abusers, misogynists


many with bad teeth and bad breath

the orc hoards of Middle Earth

and Gollum and Voldemort


anyone with a bad temper’s up for Trump


and those who can’t be bothered

the poker faced hyperbolists


obese of mind

hearts anorexic


he’s the leader of the gang


it’s big fat losers for Trump


as crass as cruel as any king

he is Plato’s democracy endgame

Trump is where the cul-de-sac ends

the rusting behemoth

run out of puff

shrunk pizzle of drill


he is the groaning swamp itself

he’s the turd that won’t flush down


that is the great goddamn truth of Trump

you can shout it from the rooftops

you can tell it on a mountain


and till you’re blue in the face


this strategy may make you feel better

but it won’t make the slightest difference


we won’t win anyone over this way


but we can make it grate!

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