Monday 12 August 2024

#1686 - mad fuckers in charge




mad fuckers in charge


evil fucks


they’re dropping the bombs on the children

that’s really all you need to know


of course they torture too

there’s more

they keep everyone in a prison

underground, open air


send in the tanks

drop more bombs


they all think the sky fairy’s with them

that makes it all okay


it doesn’t matter what we do

to animals

to the children of animals


it’s all open ended


they do it till they’re done


if we don’t kill we won’t exist


there’s what was done to us  

so we can do no wrong


it’s existential, can’t you see?

when does that become who we are?


no stopping when you start this kind of thing

and put the mad fuckers in charge


evil fucks

the lovers of death

and of dismemberment

families fallen apart


imagine they’re your neighbours

all plotting

you can never trust


upset them

and they’ll come for you


they’re plotting all the while


send in the tanks

drop more bombs


it can’t be genocide

that’s not us

we’re wearing white hats


we cannot be the criminals


an eye for a tooth

so says the sky fairy


we do it till they’re gone

but they’re not

we’ll just have to do it again

and better


they’re dropping the bombs on the hospitals

the cancer’s hiding there

of course it is

it’s in the kids


we dropping the bombs on them

we’re dropping the bombs on the cancer


we’ll fuck till there’s virginity

we’ll get there in the end


it doesn’t matter the thousands of years


other mad fuckers go along with this elsewhere

sometimes it’s just habit

or there’s a quid to be made


it’s ammunition


they’re dropping the bombs on the hospitals

the cancer’s hiding there


it always was

it’s sneaky this cancer

shields itself by flesh of child

by bone to shatter

by grief that never now can end


there is no heart this won’t misshape

there’s no head left to think


we go on until they’re gone


but they’re still here


we’ll never run out of ammunition

that’s really all you need to know


so staunch are our friends


mad fuckers in charge

evil fucks


they’re dropping the bombs on the children


I think you know who I mean   

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