Friday 2 August 2024

#1676 - a shout out to the hundreds





a shout out to the hundreds

who didn’t make the podium finish this time

(and whom the Hunter Writers’ Centre should thank

for the roughly $28,000 in entry fees)



you, the unknown, the unnamed


you know who you are


many of us know


we are in fairly regular correspondence

read to each other and sometimes with


I dips me lid

this is a thank you


to all of those who make the stuff

who read


you are my community!


not to the poetasters

though they would worship at our shrine

if only they could find it


(democracy’s an end game


there is a gate to keep)


no, my nod is to the many

who know how

who have read to be where they are


who bought a ticket this time

for the lottery of taste

lucked out


we must acknowledge luck!


I think there are about five hundred of us


brave smiths of image in the word

of truths

true makers


this poetry nobility of Australia!

(not that a border should matter a whit)


the ones who give a life, more or less

I mean


to say what needs said

and no one did before


I hear a giggle


you’d think everything would have been said by this time

not so for magicians


give us the minute’s silence

we’ll fill it


all new material

perhaps the odd party piece


hours and years go into that moment


it would be nice to guess the extent of the labours

a prize like this represents


forget the training …I just mean the hours

that went into making what was actually submitted –

hours per poem times eight hundred


like a parliament at work

let’s say tens and tens of thousands of hours


committees hived off back of the head

and a memo spent

the ages proofing


for what respect?

in this desert, ours?


and what wage awarded?


we, the legislators, long since expelled

doomed for a certain time to tread

this wilderness of footy, cricket


it’s often we don’t get to the page

not even in our own book

not even with a pencil


still, every day do what we must


we could have been whingeing along


we made poems!

made paintings!

made songs!


it’s a fucking halo we deserve!

where is it?


I suppose I should have made this next year’s entry

but wot-the-hell, we’re here


there’s a dance in the old dame yet


and I pause now

to honour you

Noble 500!


who take a tide of mind

by whim


wit sparklers

delvers under, in


dreamers of the big fat truth

unveilers of snide lie


we persist

grin, bare, go on


and why?


is poetry a war?

but the fallen are legion!

do we win or lose?


the glittering crown is tinsel, fluff

not worth the poem to which it’s pledged

the gallery, far from awestruck

let it go over their heads


chuckle on with their ‘real world’ in the cave

smile and smile


remember – all audiences are hostile

and no two are the same


it’s best to note the exits

and the jacket under your seat


those slides look like a lot of fun

must remember to remove the heels


champagne and nibblies at the event


yes, we are always remaking the map


fall to rise and rise to fall


you, my Noble 500

are the unknown athletes of poetry

some destined for the harbour’s bottom


congratulations on passing your own test

on the moment of humility –

act of submission to the unknown

(the gods as frail, as fickle, as we

in fact, of course, they’re ours)


and whether there or not

I know you gave your all


that there were other things you could have been doing

probably people were shouting at you

telling you what for

and where’s my dinner?

pick up the kids!


but you were making a world

with your words


you had to shut another out

it was a deliberate thing


it took your skill

your knack with time


it’s those of you neglected this round


are most in my thoughts today

I thank you for hidden gift


I look yet to see it shine


sky’s full

we’re still pinning up stars

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