Tuesday 18 June 2024

#1632 - the emperor’s drunk soldiery





the emperor’s drunk soldiery

for Joseph Tawadros’ ‘Constantinople’


a narrow bathhouse laneway

shadow flit



wine in spent skins



the city, a wind up

the market


bright herbs


bow and quiver


an attic of the day

all dust


fires great

and greater sieges


coin shows

a lonely moon

one star


streets all laid apart to tell

a mechanism of the town


the cistern

old waters plash

and set to sing

how Hero and Leander


a catapult of fire


such a sky if you’ll believe


waxed moustache to point the way

strings fretless


but the heart knows where


there was another before

that city lost forever


to time

from time


and rolling home

rolling home


let’s see whom we’ll find there 

watch and listen Joseph Tawadros' 'Constantinople' at - 


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