Tuesday, 30 April 2024

#1583 - waiting for the pills to kick in





waiting for the pills to kick in

a little Ode to Covid


with shiny eyes

and a head behind


a snuffle bug

mutter through razor blades


consider the anaesthetic lozenge

the sleepy pill, the wakey one

a chill and burning up


I know my blows

pile hanky high


o Velcro virus, multi-pronged

what is it you want of me?


such a pretty microbe too

you could be a bath toy

space ship


though no one can see you

there’s definite alien aspect


if bones must be broken

at least fillet me

take them out


will pill shake ache?


I must maintain hydration

and vitamin placebo


I know I know

the organ recital


this sorry for yourself is a full time job


and is it as bad as all that?


will poetry preserve me

or other way around?


I keep a cloud in mind

for occasion


and thanks for your fond wishes

I’m sure we’re about to be well

esperanta serio #973 - subgarantio





la plej multaj el viaj domoj ne forbrulos


iuj falas

kaj iuj estas forblovigitaj


iuj estas skulptitaj de la formikoj


la tuta perforto de hejmo

ne faligos la plej multajn domojn


domo eble estis frotpurigita ĝis morto



iuj neniam estis sur la mapo


etaj piedetoj pasis


vi devus parkerigi formon


pensu pri tegmento por kapti


komenciĝas ĉe streĉado kun buŝpleno da ungoj

la manoj, la piedoj bezonataj






most of your houses won’t burn down


some fall

and some are blown away


some are sculpted by the ants


all the violence of a home

won’t knock most houses down


a house may have been scrubbed to death

gone to dust


some were never on the map


little paws passed


you’d have to memorize a shape


think of a roof to catch


begins at a stretch with a mouthful of nails

the hands, the feet required


Monday, 29 April 2024

#1582 - in poet's land





in poet’s land

in sleep we trust


draft for wise surprise



long noble

signs telltale


our neglect

a special code



feel it all

whole of a thing I mean


the sunshine come and go


we are inventing for all the world

weak flesh to every thought


and its far beyond

just for these rules we intuit

all so sharing this belief


there is motive, opportunity


shall I call it understanding?


words make our way


as with the whipbird

as with the cockatoo


long languish of the selves to mourn

stronger than we were


they are at the walls

we must not give a fuck


sky’s our spread

but we won’t admit

the world


it has no defence

esperanta serio #972 - kial ĉio ĉi devas esti forprenita de ni?


kial ĉio ĉi devas esti forprenita de ni?

por ĝeni dioj


vekiĝo estas antaŭsento


malsupren rapide

tagoj forkondukitaj


sub ĉi tiuj kovriloj kuŝas

duondorme kun demando


birdoj dum ili iras

ĉieloj por laŭdo


ĉiuj orkestroj de folilumo


stano, altecoj, stratoj

ĉiu aro de ŝirmejo


ventoj, al kiuj singardemo ĵetis

nomoj neniam sciis


la kisoj malleviĝantaj

etaj piedsignoj

ĉi tiu tuŝo


kial fantomo devas rezigni



vero, la blanka mensogo

vico de abstraktado


linioj eĥantaj de ĉiuj antaŭe

ĉi tiu vorto por ĉiam kun la signifo for


kaj senmorteco daŭras

trilo kaj stumblu la draton


iun tagon la vetero estos nia

dume atentu tion, kio estos prenita

tiam ni estos for




why must all this be taken from us?

for godsbother

waking is a premonition


downhill apace

days led away


under these covers lie

half asleep with a question


birds as they go

skies for praise


all orchestras of leaflight


tin, heights, streets

all array of shelter


winds to which caution has thrown

names never knew


the kisses descending

tiny pawprints

this touch


why must a ghost give up



truth, the white lie

queue of abstraction


lines echoing of all before

this word forever meaning gone


and immortality goes on

a trill and trip the wire


one day the weather will be ours

meanwhile attend to what will be taken

we will be gone by then




Sunday, 28 April 2024

#1581 - what survivors we are




what survivors we are


it’s everything till now we’re past

and we are all still here


who survived the bombardment

the bottle, the knife

the force majeure


 the slurs, the denigrations


we who hid in the cellar

who hid in the walls


crouched in the night

slipped off

sometimes invisible


we were never the same


tree to its utmost leaf

some sing


the tree, too, a survivor


or dig past every terror


drought and flood and pick your fear


the damage, the dangers

beyond all time until


to be here telling

and just who we are

nor were, now will


not those who fell

nor up against


and though in time to come we’re gone

I tell this now and here