Thursday, 31 August 2023

#1339 - the bubble is closing now





the bubble is closing now



looking up out of my rabbithole

two blue

shone as any moon


stand clear!


the views go else

and we?


all bodies heavenly from here


subliminal numbers

burrow up burrow up


here is a slept place


mine was breath done


lie down

be the map

dig in


a jealously guarded hour

bright tail

and here’s to dance


took up with world ache when


and must exact first spring

(all seasons for our prey)


come questions then ask


mind the doors

(need our looking after)


healed over my one day sky


I swim in a cup of storms


all bodies heavenly here 




short draft version


(G – D – C verse progression)


There’s a change that’s coming.

We’ll try to make things right.

Things have been too wrong for too long

hidden out of sight.


(Em – G bridge ending on D)


Somebody stole a country.

Somebody took the kids.

Now you can say ‘that wasn’t me.’

But tell me on whose land do you live.  


(C – G refrain ending on D)


Say YES to a brighter future!

Say YES to a better way!

Say YES, I’m going to listen.

I’m going to vote YES on the day!


(G – D – C verse progression)


I was sent an invitation

Just said ‘walk with me’.

You know what – I’m going to shake that hand.

We’re going to set the truth free.


There’s a change that’s coming.

We’ll try to make things right.

Things have been too wrong for too long

Need to take advice.


(C – G refrain ending on D)


It’s a very simple thing.

It’s just about respect

for people who were here so long before me

with better to expect.



(Em – G bridge)


Somebody stole a country.

Somebody took the kids.

Now you can say ‘that wasn’t me.’

But tell me on whose land do you live.


(C – G refrain ending on D)


Say YES to a brighter future!

Say YES to a better way!

Say YES, I’m going to listen.

I’m going to vote YES on the day!


 (G – D – C verse progression)


There are people running all around

spreading fear and doubt.

They say vote no if you don’t know

I say – just ask and you’ll find out!



Yes to truth and to treaty!

It might be a long long way.

So I think we should get talking.

Better get started today.


(G – D – C verse progression)


So keep the door open.

Don’t slam it shut.

When someone calls you direct from the heart

That should be enough.


(C – G refrain ending on D)


Say YES to a brighter future!

Say YES to a better way!

Say YES, I’m going to listen.

I’m going to vote YES on the day                                                                                            !

video at --

esperanta serio #735 - indikante supren


indikante supren

(por kampogvidisto al aŭstraliaj nuboj)


en ĉiu vorto

spiro morta


kaj iuj premas supren

tra lekanta grundo


por heli kun suno



ne loĝante ie ajn

sed pinta


por floro

al ĉielo


ĉu ne estas kaverno

kie ili naskiĝis?


voko de la sovaĝa

kaj granda allogeco


estas vetero en ili


kion ajn mi estas nutrata

mi kredas


vortoj foje eksplodas super niaj kapoj

aŭ sekvas spurojn malantaŭe


videbla, nevidebla

vortoj disvastigitaj per maro, per ĉielo

por veki ĉiujn spiritojn


ili konkeras

kiel ilia tago venis


vortoj fumiĝas


nomu ĝin klara aero

kie nenio estas dirita


en polvmoto


hieroglifoj turniĝegas


revoku vortojn

sed ĉu ili revenos?


enlitigu ilin

kiam la milito estas venkita


estas vortoj vekas min




pointing up

(for a field guide to Australian clouds)

in every word

breath dead

and some press up
through daisysoil

to bright with sun

in a word
not living anywhere
but pointed

for flower

to sky

is there no cave
where they were born?

call of the wild
and all allure


there is weather in them

whatever I am fed

words sometimes explode over our heads
or trail along behind


visible, invisible

words spread out by sea, by sky

to rouse all spirits


they conquer

as their day is come


words go up in smoke

call it clear air
where nothing's said

in a dustmote
hieroglyphics spin

call words back
but will they come?

put them to bed
when the war is won

it's words wake me
up in the morning

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

#1338 - a harbour walk





a harbour walk


and this is to widen the world


with all the sky tones


sometimes a branch throws overhead


water dragons rear, dive after


ant across my page as well


turkey and termite make their mounds


in snake sunning spring


and high up in a tree’s death

someone is always taking off

someone is always landing


droppings are laid thick

day drips


where I have never been

now I have reached the age of walking


best to go on that way then knowing


we’ll never run out of harbour

we’ll never run out of track