Friday, 31 December 2021

thirty years! The Naming of the Harbour and the Trees!


#730 - hide under a rock





hide under a rock

omikron panic


and in the after-ping

how fearfully a year begins

stay home save lives again


possum gods at the raised tomato

disguise myself in stormpaint

then the bug can’t catch


and other superstitions

I put on just for show

cross the line from nothing to more


we’re hiding under a rock here

happy happy, damp at times

a head out shines the kickstart sun


how full of the past we are!

topping all the graphs today

off the panic scale


take my biscuit jollies

roam the acres

get back under


what wars?

what plagues?

what pestilence?


you’d think when a year was over …

but no one talks about anything else

set weather catastrophic


for whom this turn round time relents

cross an arbitrary

we’re actually under a smooth stone now


inscribed with the breathless next words

ache, cough, must suspect

then breakfast


gods were born today

it’s day one in the big blank book

still, a garden travels on


as if in season

there is occasional poetry

we’re getting ancient here


a tissue a tissue

apocrypha too

under the rock


deeps of a well

and swim back up to flower

see how we’re making light?

esperanta serio #154 - la pajlhundo



la pajlhundo


estas mia fidela kunulo

iras kun mi kien ajn ion ajn mi pensas

bojas pro miaj imagoj

alportas la bastardhundoj al la rando

                      de konfeso

sed ili forglitas

vosto inter krurojn

ili mem havas nenion por diri


mi pensas, ke vi scias

kion mi celas




the straw dog


is my faithful companion

goes with me wherever whatever I think

barks at my imaginings

brings the mongrels to the brink

                      of confession

but they slink away

tail between legs

they themselves have nothing to say


I think you know

what I mean



Thursday, 30 December 2021

and today ...

and today is the last day of my three grant from the Australia Council 

for the writing of ataraxia

... an opus that may always be under construction


look on these works, ye mighty, and despair 

so long, and thanks for the fish 

#729 - three little poems to round out the year





three little poems

none of which really work



in ours the empty air


word no one owns up


wrestle antennae

a lit whiff winter was


fine photons fell

pasticherie with luck


often I feel I could see further

were we to look under all


then distance is a kind of glue

as far as wherever we are


always a line underneath





bung dream


never starts off but you’re there

must have got the wrong end of the stick


I was in the wrong job

on the wrong day

at the wrong thing, moment



wrong school, wrong class


got on the wrong train to not get there

it was the wrong station, wrong platform

I was in the wrong carriage

barking up

backed the wrong horse there, went    


had to go back because I was wearing thongs

and you can’t

would never have known if I hadn’t looked down


say widdershins

say counterclock

you can see how it all goes wrong


must have been a year’s wrong end

my wrong way face



I could remember coming out

but now I can’t find the key to the building

yours, not mine

first I find the wrong one

that’s convincing

someone lets me in

always kindness


but it’s the wrong place

the carpet tells me inside

and where’s the door?


that’s where I wake up in a pandemic

sick as a dog we are were will be


this has to be the wrong world

a sun is shining now






the year runs out


it’s just the one day

only one more

come on … you can

it’s less than a sleep to go


that’s what they’re saying

every clock’s egging

but we can’t go on like this

there’s nothing more in the tank


I kept the doors and windows open

that’s how breezed through

could say survived


and now the new year

is just footsteps away

and what a location!


so suck out the juice

squeeze the last drips


cut the tube

and fingerscoop

make a cleansweep


no one would wish such a year on the world

but it looks like we’re most of us up for another


now it’s the 9 o’clock fireworks for me

I mean on the telly of course

tuck up and sleep the year out


as I live and breathe


esperanta serio #153 - ĉiam





neniam diru ĉiam

nenio estas kiel tio


iu ajn uzas la vorton

iam devis engluti iom da dogmaĉo


gutas krano

ĝis la tanko estas seka


nenio estis

ekde antaŭ komenciĝo


salutu vin mem



sekuru la ĉiameco kontraŭ ŝtelo se konvenas

sed tio ne ŝanĝos la fakton


eterneco ofendos la mortintojn

(flagoj polvo kaj triboj longe enterigitaj)


mi estas mia propra horizonto

nin englutas stelo


kaj jen la vero

konatiĝas kun vortoj


de lingvo delonge malaperinta

kiel ĉiu amo


sennoma nun la antaŭe

kies atomoj ni ĉiuj estas


eterneco estas nebulo de pensado

kvazaŭ koloro estus rapida


kvazaŭ unu vorto por ĉiuj

la fajro en la libro en la koro


ĉio disvastiĝas

baldaŭ lumo ne atingos nin aŭ iun ajn


neniu estis ĉiam ĉi tie

neniu iam estos ĉiam


iu rifuĝinto diros al vi

la ĉiamo estas dezira vorto


iu ajn celas eternecon

devas ŝerci sin mem


neniam diru neniam

nek nek eterne


vojoj ne finiĝas

ili elĉerpiĝas


ĉio kuras for






never say always

nothing is


anyone uses the word

has to have swallowed some poxy doxa


tap drips

till the tank is dry


nothing was

since before beginning


salute yourself

on cue, pretend


hedge it from a theft if suits  

that won’t change the fact


forever will offend the dead

flags dust and tribes long buried


I am my own horizon

we are swallowed by a star


and here’s the truth

acquaints itself with words


of a language long gone

like every love


nameless now the one before

whose atoms we all are


forever is fog of thinking

as if a colour were fast


as if one word for all

the fire in the book in the heart


the all is expanding

soon light won’t reach us or any


no one was always here

no one will ever be


any refugee will tell you

always is a wishful word


anyone aims at eternity

has to be kidding themselves


never say never

nor either forever


roads don’t end

they run out