Tuesday 26 January 2021

#393 - the hoot





the hoot

example of constitutional ornithography


the hoot

perched on my shoulder and sang

a weekend’s worth



more than an honorific


preciously petal

up atom and fling

drunk dirge                                      


the festive hoot

all what-have-you garlanded with gall

and get-even


giftwrapped in fact

lovely wreathing!


under a party hat

too tinsel

hoot’s a slutty round and shout

for he’s a she’s a jolly good

brush by

rub up

whisper it back of my …


asked hoot to name its poison           

(bit of bunyip in this one)


and I along with, held

up multiple bars

(your gangster hoot to boot)


consider the hellish

and devil-may-not-even-care

(in pond with newt and toad-eye)


the hoot un-7-veiled

a champagne splash

fast cars

frequently encouraged to scoot


a fleshly

bedded for the whim

that’s why

it’s boudoir


we should be led by The Hoot

and once might’ve

(appoints the Prime Monster

and cabinet of little horrors)

all just for a hoot, you understand

that is how they are paid


and as for me – chalkface, shopped –

I cultivated a harmless hoot

sat golden in the singing boughs

as had for a song


just a breezeless hootsworth

and a hootenanny


last seen in the shed with a rake

(that’s a compromise position)


it was the any-beasting hoot

I mean – all bets heartful                    


shameful yet playful

rude hoot

(just a little damnation to spice)


when mentioned

went down like something proverbial


darker than ever down

I found a hoot

on the floor of my sea

a wake!


because hoot’s its own funeral too

and hides in a party of words

(yanks reduce to just breasts)


concupiscent hoot for a hotty

(lick, groove)


and in its original whimsy


all emotion too


buried my own mid-treasure

woke me most mellifluous

I put away all adult things


we’ll have one

do I hear ‘why not?’


sing cucu to a hoot

and then you will be too


in favour of

fly a hoot for fancy


raise a hoot after

surrender to say


and ah for after

post-hoot, so as to …


after, everyone said it was

lay down with the dogs

and woke with the hoot of such fleas

all ears!


hear it on the street some blindings

morning of a kettle drum

and horns deep in the head


is why

I keep a private hoot from parties   

ideas of a riot

kind of declaration

and everyone thought it was me


but you wouldn’t want to rely on this


for a headline

(cigarette ended the bed)


that’s just gossamer, you know


and tug at my own too

it’s for luck



don’t you know

(and I think that you do)

your everyday common or garden

and you should, cause I do


it goes from woe

and fast or slow

it’s a beaut

when you’re having a hoot

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