Monday, 7 December 2020

TRANSVERSATION with Béatrice Machet

Béatrice (Anne-Marie, Marie-Jeanne) Machet is a French born poet, living between France and the USA, whose dance lessons as a child influenced and still influence her writing. As a teen she learned a lot from the Native American point of view about Native American history and Native cultures, until she felt impregnated with them. After having been involved in the French science-fiction milieu, flirting with cartoons and magazines such as Actuel, Charlie Hebdo, Fluide Glacial, she met Jean-Hughes Malineau, a Gallimard editor, who encouraged her to begin a career as a poet. From this initial meeting, each published poetry book of hers will testify to an evolution in her writing practice. Since 2016, she is an active member of the sound poetry group Ecrits Studio ( At her credit some 15 books and 30 chapbooks of poetry (three of them in English) plus 7 Native American poets’ collections she translated into French, and four anthologies gathering 40 Native American contemporary poets whom works she translated into French.

She is used to collaborating with artists from all kinds of disciplines such as painters, sculptors, musicians, composers, video-makers, dancers and choreographers, and with whom she performs her poetry. She is on editorial boards of French poetry magazines such as Recours au poème, Sur le dos de la tortue, Les cahiers d’Eucharis.

She is regularly granted writer residences, is regularly invited in international poetry festivals in France and abroad. She leads creative writing workshops, is called for teaching and performing in schools and colleges. She gives lectures and conferences about contemporary Native American literature. She also launched and created Radio cultural programs, poetry oriented, from 1984 to 1986 and from 2018 to nowdays. She is responsible of and produces a monthly radio program (Radio Agora, Grasse) dedicated to contemporary poetry.




OK Kit, yes count me in, I'm willing to make this experimental collaboration you wrote about.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon with the first proposition of our "chat-transversation"




The first thing I want to say is that it’s not just okay for us to misinterpret/misunderstand each other through this process  - it’s essential!



so please allow me to serve

these words first words

in view of / in lieu of the rules

(and there are none)


but for instance

how many bounces are required/permitted

each side of the net?

and shall we run away with it?

(has all sorts of other uses)

fish for instance

or insects 


the net the fish the dish with the spoon


is it a special thing this

carrying across


or everyday ordinary

words anyone would use



more of a question than a proposition


always at the horizon

biding the moment


a silence from the words

get the picture?


but vanishing into another genre

one loves a fairytale




Ainsi tu m’écris qu’au menu :

des premiers mots

et après le repas

descendre au rez-de-jardin

pour que d’autres rebondissent au-dessus du filet

façon ping-pong


que chaque coup de raquette ainsi que la navette

envoie la balle aux mots tisser

une robe de fée


très bien         parfait


mais n’y a-t-il pas tromperie au contrat ?

(par ailleurs non signé !)

tu dis un horizon de questions en matière de proposition …

Est-ce bien soulever cette façon de verser ? 

cette manière de trans ?

afin     comme écrit sur l’écran

de « run away with it

… the net the bounce the words »

now ours précises-tu

à cette heure je les prends au bond

réseau toile fish insects couleurs et brush strokes

pour donner de l’espace

pour donner du volume à la parole

prise dans les mailles du silence

tel est le véritable canevas

la seule valeur du tableau

ce que nous apprend la poésie

au long d’une vie

qui aime l’inattendu …


one loves the « unheard-of music »



post prandial so snooze

spread breath


and under ink


worn till wisp was cloud


someone had an autumn yellow

can’t have been from here


what’s frayed gone compost


it’s so far back in the dream

can still touch

though the story’s lost


no one knows how



the Age of the Lie … and fresh material every day

truth trashed is where we live now


a kind of rout of the spirit

how can we have retreated so far?


it’s garden in

the ping pong round us

everyone’s visiting

trees lean in

for conversation


the leafed tree in its autumn turning

not of these parts

yet our sun keeps faith

so that it shows

late into afternoon

light of its other world





Suite épisode 2 Béatrice 05/28/2020


Car tout commence à une table

everything begins at a table

including snoozing


c’était une petite sieste just a little nap

                                   just like that

without even snaping the fingers

just dozing off

et bing  …

tu te retrouves au pays de la Trumpery

el extraño mundo de las mentiras globalizadas


Ô mensonges de mes rêves quel délice

tendus entre printemps

finissant et automne jauni

dites-moi sur quelle planète on vit !


Edward who goes by Ed est à Moscou et donne des conférences

Bradley-Chelsea survit entre genres et tentative de suicide

Julian pourrit à Belmarsh

ils ont « « répandu un souffle »

they spread breath through a whistle…


un grand vent force trans-

versation et vers et vérité if any

gale force-8

a windblast



Avec le temps et l’imagination

le jardin du ping pong devient bois

entre les arbres courbés (under what yoke)

et les feuilles prêtes à nourrir le compost

les espoirs se fortifient de rumeurs

around us les lumières

the many lights of a Sherwood-like Forest


one loves the reality of another possible world












quels idiots ont donné à ces gens une statue

pour qu'ils se sentent bien dans leur peau?


America’s dancing on its own grave

big belly laugh

bingeing again


nobody does this stuff nearly as well


America, you’ve elected Grim Reaper

except not really – skip college, count the votes


in the catatombs with President Virus

never gets up from the couch except golf

was it childhood?  something since?


let me get the latest firearm

(God, gave me this right)

still only so many feet to shoot

well, why not make them dance?

make it another big budget western

high noon saloon swagger


now they’re burying burying burying

and this time it’s your own again

must have a talent for it

get in their way and you go in the ground


it’s breathless there with progress

and you can hear the rust


they’ve put Cretan liar in charge of the truth

things could go either way


Liberty wears Justice’s blindfold

better not look at all


you’re more incarcerated than ever

the facts of the matter are locked up as well

with Julian and Chelsea

and old Joe Hill

my, what long long arms you have

better to be great powerful friend


and shall we say set free?

oh say can you see!


stand on a man’s neck till he’s dead

that’ll show who doesn’t matter


how’s your Mall of America now?

I call that kind of thing kindling


we’re expecting a shake in California

New York’s come down with it’s-not-the-flu


I was in the woods with Thoreau

once FDR and turn on a dime


fire some rockets into space

no one will feel a thing


I, too, have lived in that box

                with the colours

pizza delivered, jazz on demand

I understand the genius   

took the pill to uncrazy a little

been sorry for myself ever since

and sorrier again


let it not be as long as Rome was

Napoleon was a flash in the pan


you’re like every empire ever

none of the rest of us are


America, when will you ever be worthy

of this decline and fall ?





                                       Speaking of Dancing On Graves...


What stupid people elected this

« god with us » young guy to represent


 and its spirit forged by the hammer of

liberté-égalité-fraternité ?


En ce qui concerne les tombes

la plus profonde et qui se creuse encore

est celle réservée à

 la démocratie.

Emmanuel portant le nom de Macron

se croit grand

comme se croyait grand le roi français ayant contribué

à l’indépendance de l’Amérique.

Pourtant il faut lire

 et comprendre micron …

Soit grandeur à la puissance dix MOINS six

c’est-à-dire en dessous de tout

in other words the lowest of the low…


Au final s’écrit

une histoire de comment

la technocratie


la vision par la gestion …


En guise de président

celui qui répond au poème

d’une jeune touriste anglaise

par un autre poème

celui-là même répond aux gilets

jaunes par des tirs :


la nouvelle arme pour se débarrasser

de manifestants plaidant la cause

des pauvres ….

Just get rid of them… Flash Ball … fire

ou bien étouffez les

suffoquez les

suffit d’un genou appuyé sur la nuque

suffit d’un bras qui étrangle le cou

la liste des des morts est longue

en France :

Balou Troré Abou Bakari Lamine Dieng Elmi Mohammed etc

Adelakim Ajimi Abdoulaye Fofana etc etc

etc etc etc Amadou Koumé

… et se finit par George Floyd in America.

Avec les larmes et l’indignation vient aussi l’envie de chanter

poing gauche levé…

Allons enfants de la patrie 

le jour de se mobiliser

est arrivé

organisons la décroissance

qu’un air pur enfin puisse

gonfler nos poumons !


Et si vous n’êtes pas français reste quand même :

« This is the final struggle / Let us group together and tomorrow / The Internationale / Will be the human race. »





we just don’t see the prisoners of starvation so much anymore

though I feel certain they will be coming to us on a makeshift raft before long



here’s one for my fearful leader                  




the headsup like a transparent watch

and the workings? nothing to see here!


you know it will spin for an exorcism


beckons the boats, come again

they are needed for miracle salvation


angels pour out the vials of wrath


clean shaven, jaw determined

too much of the sun shines on him


Gog and Magog, gather to battle

must dark down in the mines


he is the saint of borders and lighting


at the final trumpet

(third woe, expect an earthquake then)


is a coal made man

(second trumpet was a burning mountain)


tied to the dying animal

knows the mark, tricked his way up


the righteous one, tied of tongue else


the serpent spoke to him

when he was in the whale

it was a close thing in there


his followers at their earthworm ethics

hate your wages, love growth


coming down your chimney now

he will be your election Santa


against humanity one more crime

it’s only in a parallel universe he is on trial


third trumpet, wormwood falls – river is poisoned

this is in no particular order


he is the fish kill mute-the-truth hottest of all

how wholesome when he claps along


here’s a Flood (note Fish), he’s a Gulliver

dragging their boats back

but they have no home! no matter

must smite to show that might is right


The Lamb & His Company

at the sign of the Lion


is first among sinners, does the rapture rise

defends the flock from ravening


he is a mouth full of meat pie

shepherd for pastor, soul of dust

king of the greedy, defender of their faith and fate


like kith and …his the gift of the party room


he will always have been the thirtieth

when this world is a frizzled wreck

there’s nothing we can do about it


won’t mention the Lord is with him


from the seven last plagues

you will soon receive a franking credit

it will be negatively geared


Jesus loves how he can’t sing


with golden crowns

and woe to gnash


he is not Styre, the Sontaran

but he paved the way


not just his bush

but pants on fire


he cooked the country with his books

he leads the billion from this world

he vanishes the Ark



and for everyone who’s waiting on the line


on hold


thank you for waiting forever

it wasn't so long, was it

it wasn't so long after all

and now that your life is over


you may have tried writing a poem or a song

while you were waiting

you may have been painting or drawing



we hope you've appreciated

the musical interludes

the advice, the suggestions


we know you have doodled on a pad

your mind's wandered

there have been times you thought you were going out of it


but you never gave up


you kept the faith

for this much thanks


please know that this message was for you

only you


thousands of years

and more lives

went to crafting these words

a language had to be invented

for that very special you



Si je lis bien   if I get it right

l’idée serait de croire    to believe

se forger une foi inébranlable en un « Special You »

à qui s’adresser

afin d’acquérir la capacité de créer un langage….

(and by the way is « crafting » a synonyme for « creating », does it stand for « inventing »)

Mais crée-t-on jamais un langage ?

Et qui du langage ou de nous crée l’autre ?

Les voix qu’on entend quand seul-e sur des montagnes

ou lors de quêtes de vision

sont-elles l’instrument du « Special You » ?

Transmises sous forme de langage ces voix

sonnent-elles comme les trompettes

de l’apocalypse ?

Mais pour quelle révélation ?

: Que surnaturel à la rescousse de l’humain est un réflexe universel ?

Come to the rescue of human kind the supernatural  is a universal reflexe

I wonder…. and wander…

And by the way Gog et Magog …. sont-ils les ancêtres de tous les two legged démagogues

qui hantent les ondes and the governments and the political discourses ?

I wonder… and wander…


Je reconnais to be honest je n’ai pas assez bien lu la bible et

ne m’en porte pas plus mal car : pour ce que les gogs en ont fait … !

I wonder… and wander

L’histoire du « Special You » à prier ne m’a jamais enthousiasmée

Les histoires de « forever in Heaven » … boring to death

and yet

when it comes to show solidarity


Smoko you are welcome

step into my utopian landscape

 which ranks as a world

I’ll do my best

with my language and other food

to make you feel at home.












For you and William –


on a mountain out of the way


often wake to the words

there because

must have dreamt in that direction


left for crumbs to collect

for stones to shine

in the night


so to say


I follow phrases down into the page


improvise just on this theme


titles could come in anywhere

because the poem won’t yet know

if it’s beginning or ever will


were words there already?


come steady from the rain as well

sometimes I come in with them dripping


even ironic sunshone


I work the shadows for a doubt


find a self folded into the text

also always there already


that’s the voice to run



is it crafting to invent

is invention crafting?

crafty merely?


all movements of the hand are sleight


on a mountain out of the way

or tucked in the river run gully


how are your trees, all looking up

how much reception there?


say legerdemain

leisure demands this much of us


hermits always go better together


a mountain woods them

cosy home

to make the mantras light


and everything is further now


how are your mists, all summer said?


here, let me imagine all

acres of tucked

up out of sight


when will autumn come the hill?

and find you hale

and much survived


creature it till then

be safe


and listen in


let breezes freshen

be far from the trouble

see up in the singing


be well

take breath from

put leaves on

shake the dust off


give the world this hearthold

each for other there


I know the words will find you

and the wordlessness as well 




like a slap in the face

the river cold water

like a blow through the guts

these are certainties I live                   with/by/of

demanding I react


so I wave

yes-ing to this new day

no words yet


my only skin to drum a rhythm

as blood runs its fury for me

 to be awakened

I’m aware

I can breathe … no mask on my nose…

no suppression       no frustration      

at whose expense ?

What humanity is stolen

What visibility is given back from the music I hear

from the shock I feel seeing


Remember this one ?

Sometimes it seems as though some puppet-player,
   A clenched claw cupping a craggy chin
Sits just beyond the border of our seeing,
   Twitching the strings with slow, sardonic grin.

(Angelina Weld Grimké)

yet I can breathe

         a big help conditioning any anxiety

                   when rays of moon and stars scratch the daydream sky


still       no words

just slant stories playing their tricks

just senses traping my tongue not

willing for me to speak

after the end of the world

                                                                          when I can’t breathe


a kind of drought nobody can survive

unless a storm of words waters the earth

floods hearts

till these two : légers demains

like sleight of hands

transform      quench     and ask  

isn’t your body a miracle ?



un bal masqué


Voici venir le temps de croisades

                     – Robert Desnos


tels que ce monde


qui était ce masque?

(je veux demander qui porte le masque)


mais oui

c’est le miracle moi-toi


les orteils leur propre couleur

les poumons font leur travail


dans le dictionaire cette demi-vie

le type d’un isotope radioactive


mais plus court

beaucoup plus court


joindre des points pour un conte de fées

le genre dans lequel personne ne peut vivre


derrière le miracle une question

et nous sommes plus petits que ça

timide à demander


lentement et lentement

d’autres mots s’inscrire

nous faison leurs excuses

nous disons l’heure

nous faisons les vieux trucs


mots maladroit

pas assez de grammaire

mots cachés derrière plus de mots


on ne sait jamais jusqu’où


autrefois c’était le visage

une forêt courverte

et c’était pareil avec la mer

aussi loin que le rêve


bas et bas

la chute familière


nous, nous tous, avons brillé

de la pluie


le feu était un visage

que nous avons fait vouloir tout


et c’est un petit vent qui se lève


rideaux invisible

et derrière eux

secrets de nous-mêmes


des choses simples

dit jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient vrais


d’ici là bien

sûr on ne peut

rien y faire


un sujet se dit jusqu’à ce qu’il soit parti


un trébuchement de mots en erreur

les erreurs ne pardonneront jamais        


je veux dire toutes sortes d’autres-choses

ici à la place

où personne n’écoute


personne ne peut savoir ce que nous voulons dire

(est-ce que c’est comme ça dans ta poésie?


il faut encore que quelqu’un

suive la faille

à travers le miroir


oui c’est ça

cependant, le coeur peut devenit fou


tricherie piquant


je chuchote dans une langue brisée

il n’y a pas d’autre moyen d’être à la maison


je demande

qui est derrière tout ça





« Il y a beau jour que tout le monde sait que l'homme descend du singe, mais on le cacha longtemps pour ne pas humilier ce dernier. » -- Robert Desnos


« It’s been some time already since everybody knows that human beings descend from monkeys, but it was kept hidden for a long time in order not to humiliate the latter. »


Connecting the dots …

of a subject

and as any subject

we weren’t born as such

we become

along …   a long process

of being        and behind

              du pointillé à la ligne

                                    un sujet

      comme n’importe lequel

                     ne naît pas sujet

                              il le devient

un long procédé d’évolution

                           avec derrière

              influences   education   manipulations    propaganda ….

« Mais aujourd’hui c’est aujourd’hui »


Et sans vouloir dire

personne pour savoir ce qui se cache derrière un masque …


And without willing to see

nobody would know what’s hidden in front of eyelids…


only shadows

that’s what mirors are

whether crack, hairline fracture or fault line in them

the reflection is missing …

but meetings are little secrets of our own …


« A la devanture de la boutique

une jolie femme sourit »

just a dummy

and today the only gift of a false smile

a blank eye

a void of meaning

won’t make my day

and if words are bound to fail

what’s left through a filtered voice

altered by accidentals ?


un temps pour les croisades you said

and I add un temps de mascarades

could that do as a poetic practice ?


But the P word never fossilized 

let it multiply itself

let it go viral…

just like this :

une pincée de sel (ajouté) au présent

arraché à la mer


une pincée de sel (futur) sur l’écume

qui dentelle le sable


une pincée de sable salé échappé des mains

mesurant le temps de l’oubli


une pincée soudaine de vague

à l’âme granuleuse


… Ici à la place où personne n’écoute …


a dash of salt added to present (tense)

torn from the sea


a dash of salt to be on foam (future)

lacing the sand


a dash of salty sand flowing down from hands

measuring time of oblivion


a dash of blues coming out of the blue

a wave of salty-sandy-grainy melancholy



Apologies to be slow again Beatrice …

Have been on the road (unusually, for these times) … but I think you have too

So anyway – I’m back right now but off to Sydney in a few hours … so I’ll probably end up finishing this turn there…




this living is an art of masks

a day to day deep

in the teddy bear woods

or are they the woods where things have no name



they happened while I was sleeping

I think guess wonder


no blue bolt

no lake sword

shoulder tap rise


looked in the machine

but nothing


it was with first light as well


or in a moment’s meditation


I give the glee

some glisten with


come choral and accompaniment

woke up in the new world

a spin and roundabout

three times for the spell


do a little dance


ce qui se cache, ici?

c’est moi


dashing and prancing away


there’s no way I’m alone in this


it must have happened to you



I live in a clock for words

you must be the mirror


we are together so

just here hello

the poet, the translator


spin pyxis

let the seasons dance


shall we take a run through the topics?


a wheel’s worth

first live the fire

be friends with



days of a vanish

drag out the tune


flower until and after

are they the same bees now?


symposium cartwheel

nothing taboo


it’s the undiscovered country

where we leave out a word like heart

and the crows come


you must show

day honey lit

a sky in glow


call consequence

where I’m begun


horror for the little ones

because we feel their loss


so many tight deaths

our swing through the branches

now monkey bars


say love and throw philosophy

just as who’d have guessed (?)


let seasons dance

take truth, then which?


the flimsy dream come lit


you are making this in a looking glass

looking for lines to burn


lonely to flit the sea

where none make offering


take medley

tie me to the mast

and tickle


vice and a versa

come breathlessly


chase dragonflies out of the poem

let the seasons dance

do flowers towards Maying


my spring your autumn of course


come chorus, after me

where there are more words

where there are too few


out of the oven

or is it the fridge?

now upside down

light sprinkle


hear the undertick


sparks rise like bees

from the year’s last pile


high as Jupiter

and Mars up now


these to a frogsworth chorus

your face in the shallows

pond moon reflecting

crescent, half


a silence only grows


and after

let this new life breathe


these lines

must hear them sing


you must be the mirror


I live in a clock for words


On its mondane side

which is also a wild cruel side

this living is an art of masks          

                                           cette vie est un art      à démasquer…

(unmasking here stands for deconsctruction)

behind and beyond

on a day to day basis …

this unveiling process happened when you were sleeping

and the nightmare unfolds and goes this way :


this living….is an art of frenetic



when an alleged epidemic is turned into a state of panic


what would tell the Teddy bear in the woods about his sense of exception ?

would he wash his hands very often ?

would he cover his mouth and nose when sneazing ?

what would say a mask about a viral pandemia of

biological computer-like creatures

proving to be grim executioners

of a wartime mobilization—and


at least both

maybe all

know it means



human sufferings—whatnots

of the kind and

there’s no way we are alone in this…


Still the undiscovered world of Onceuponatime

a poem-like universe where every line

takes you on an adventure ride

without even needing to rime


A world where ABCs play and hold ignorance prisoner

where knowledge and wisdom can’t be censored

even though to read is to be complicit of a kind of lie

since it’s a mere reflection under the shed light of a book

because eyes because brains because hearts

when to read is to be alone whereas being together 

no other way than this (one)

hopefully temporarily



a thousand pardons… I had it in my head it was your turn… I think this is a result of movement …


and since our last encounter here, the monster sits sulking in his golf cart because not enough of the monsters loved him… what will they do with all that hate?


so many epidemics !

we’ll never tear off these masks!


I have been making poems for what I call

the Cretan Liar series

here’s a version of one –


attending an exorcism from what’s a safe distance


casting an ostrakon for or against


this long suspicion the world was mad


so many vote for the novelty


it’s as if they had a choice between still water and fizzy poison

and found it so hard to decide …

everyone’s upset with the outcome

but it’s just where we are


little skeletons dance out of the cupboard

cranks and conspiracists

it’s Halloweeen continued

now heavily armed

(twice as many Republicans have guns)


tell the truth and shame…


you think of putting the devil in hell

but some of us have read the Decameron


here’s Rupert Murdoch commanding the orcs

and what bad teeth they all have !

(no insurance… can’t afford it)


a dance with … whom?

let’s check your card

is that really your signature

and are you who you are?



Do you remember Get Smart!...

the possible is happening again

it is an expanding circle

not what you think

this must be the work of Kaos


must lower the cone of silence now

what’s the etiquette for

stuffing that jinnee back in the bottle?

we’re just finding the lost stopper

it’s somewhere


is there a gaol built will hold the arch fiend?

think of Elba always

the ice is under the last circle

here’s Grumpy frozen in forever there


it’s a lot like a birth

at the end of the second day of the exorcism

always busy

demons running hither and yon


in my best scratchy sherd voice

what oratory!

what tricks!

and rigged!

with somersaults!


too many exclamation marks


breathless thing and the heart often stops


it’s we’ve just been too nice to these devils


take the top off a carrot

see the steam pour out


keep saying Santa

keep saying God


say communist – it’s worked before


could be a long time sleeping this off


for perversity, just check out the markets

farce on a tragedy sandwich


might never wake up at all


did someone mention they’re dropping like flies?


the lie once swallowed

a long time digesting

can give it and give it again


the volume’s as high as it goes


never even called a priest





A priest you said …

is it because all dreams lie dead ?

Remember : « Whenever one drifted petal leaves the tree-
Though white of bloom as it had been before
And proudly waitful of fecundity-
One little loveliness can be no more »      (Dorothy Parker)



A priest you said …

isn’t he the one thriving on a web of lies ?

As if any question entails fibs and falseness

when it comes to answering it


Lies and their many nuances-shades-tones-hints-touches  … make such a beautiful picture !

Lies and their many motives-reasons-causes-legal grounds … make such a pleasant symphony !

Lies … just the way the fridge lets me think there are birds inside it.

Lies … because a word isn’t what it points at

                                                                   and over all when it’s a word standing for a sensation …

                                                             nevertheless a single word can awake hundreds of sensations


what would a priest prescribe

entangled in a pack of lies

but pretend sensations are body-lies …


All this makes no head nor tail

so to make a long story short

my dear we agree on the farce and tragedy

we agree on the safe distance from which

to doubt about any exorcism to be successfully performed !









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