Saturday 24 October 2020

#271 - the finitude



the finitude

for godsbother


trumpets announcing shed

the century of tin


brim tanks

there’s only so much holds


splash up

come solid


rain stands the walls

why where else?


up grey

in mulberry deeps

by thunder


that’s a bolted blue

and spill the tricks


will we be bitten?

if it please the court

show some flesh

they’ll come


call fever

I would fly from harm

and who’s that in the lyrics now?

spiral up done


well beyond the half time siren

(a darkening of woods)

often they’ll ask

‘is it enough?’ 

billionaires I mean

who already have the funds for forever


world waiting me out

world wins

not the puff


stars blinking

what do they know?


coming up the path then

shadows  and steady

how fellow few we are

feel on your face where the web was


not seeing beyond may yet be far


but  live to know trees bigger

already it’s an afterlife


still in tune with

and frequently go out


channel bills, bower birds

some lesser, say a wagtail

to its faster world


someone has to live in the wall

time is where we were

could touch it once upon a time


consider a point of light towards

nothing left of the ever after


come spin


but be so minded

never to give a damn


measure it in distance, years

of a pilgrimage


we go to the music

we don’t come out


the greatest thing ahead of me


it there higher catastrophe

than hybris? 

have to ask the gods


and drunk on speed itself

come blind around a bend

that’s this world every time


who’s counting?


the bodily stone

(longer to come on)

everyone home

feels you


I live in the biscuit

consider a pie

and fell to me like kisses


I was always an open book

more than you would care to read


if all the things written were dreamt

there wouldn’t be the worlds for it


I was the busiest one in the room

so got everything to do


it’s here we tend the dead for instance

and it’s no more than that


these miracles believe in us

that’s the why we’re here


not everyone can remember the words

but it goes something like this 


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