Wednesday 1 July 2020

#182 - a heart to heart

a heart to heart
notes towards an ark…

under a blue cloth veil
and skins, bow

am I given to believe?
I must not ask a question

… like writing lines until they’re true
but shall I present you such?

containing commandments, manna

gifted, they say, as if unusually
you can carry this thing around

and with whose words may I else speak?
(lucky door prize for migrants

dreamt a world given
all my own work

say something like
‘land of the dispossessed’

call bird to the tree
ask who ate whom

heads on a pike
or sometimes plate –
you lose
these were a sometime gift as well

and who gave seasons?
lust, taste, hate?
and victory – why mine?

song is a gift
why were some certain charms withheld?

what god gave this despair?

call Charity to the stand
with faith, with hope

sceptred with raiment
ruffian lords put on
and crush the peasants still

and so you ask
whose world then (?)
who keeps the keys?

king’s counting chocolate bunnies

when waves of the fever pass
consider liberation –
thing cannot be given

big smiles under the dawn unwrapping
seemed to have felled those trees
to either end the world

what will gifts matter
if time ends
/we will pass it fwd/

I too so soon gone
pass this sacred knowledge on

so easily ghosted
given up

consider the fire
all this smoke, a donation
won’t you consider the ant?

birthdays and Christmas
they have been toying with our affections

yet make light of

here’s an ear
and a hand up –
least that I can give

have you seen how bread’s broken here?

my tribe top of the tree
much thanks

breath between us
this hair’s breadth – love
stretch of the imagination

look twice and never the same
world is a wedding
I, like the garden, a gift

and I should play attention too
may I join?
will you join me?
can we call it dance?

make light of all this yet?

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