Tuesday 14 July 2020

#195 - the city is vanishing

the city is vanishing

people go first
and with them
all hunches and aches

ever in a certain light
have heavenly bodies cast

along with all the old excuses
a self put out to trash

blink and it’s gone
a nakedness back

once the weather went around
now it tears roofs away

great marbles have fallen
the rats remain

so much shallow wankery
off the table now

is air thinner than whimsy was?

the country is falling apart
this has to have been said

crushed to a fine sweet powder
lapped up with the cream

and money, we can print it

flight is a sudden imagining

someone said it was the market took off
everyone on a rocket gone
like fluff and blew

in all the rain began
and leafy

it’s where I walk to breathe
I have seen it
gullies too steep to scrape
how these least trees come home

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