Sunday 5 July 2020

#186 - staying apart keeps us together

staying apart keeps us together

(Was Bedeutet die Bewegung?)
what do these stirrings mean?
– hearing Schubert from very far

and touch this bright lure
under skeins of moist and shine
swell for me, won’t you?
now stroke

never locked a door in the lockdown
dreamt of your touch and come true

saw you on the screen and golden
days when you stepped out

all through the danger of our disease
and snuggle up close
can almost taste
a whiff of skin

you in my pants and I in yours
or keep them on yet
move for me and show
the dance
all the dreaming night
I am fitful with  
is it love?
or is it fear?

did I sleep through
your climb on ride
the wild hurrah

of absinthe for the fondue heart

‘staying apart keeps us together’
when I read this newspeak knew
we’d cursed ourselves to here

it’s like winter forever
around the first lit traps of morning
find a little fire and sing
little birds won’t care 

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