Sunday 30 June 2024

#1643 - a boater bigger than the boy





a boater bigger than the boy

ekphrastic for Arthur Streeton’s ‘Morning Sketch – McMahon’s Point Ferry’

Hinton Collection, NERAM



a windswept green

red dress puffs up


no iron span or ferris wheel


all this blue and one above paler


stark light and geometry

one must imagine a sun


is home still far in the waves beyond?


we cannot remember what will come


though not the chimney season

there is wake of a vessel’s purpose

funnel’s worth of harbour


things present

things soon gone


ghosts of the future loom


the day as fresh as paint

for all that

there’s a flourish where we sign 

Saturday 29 June 2024

#1642 - last light at Dangar Falls




last light at Dangar Falls


raw cliffs

the all-tumble weight of it

a palette slip of the knife


witness this, vertiginous


dead limbs crossed

a languish


to fall

a long way down


and the sweet still clouds


stones lichen lit


as if the stream knew nothing

of what lies beyond the bend


and where the waters gather still

glaze of sun to tell


dry moss

and barkfalls


sung up!

for a trill track

rabbit on


bulloak to a breeze

barbed tops

and the grazing beside


cattle black stubble stillness

a yellow grey

and the green’s grey too


the strike thrush melds

in a foliage fold


I see the million years here

a million more  


past the last

the falls toil on

in a breath of fresh air

we leave


lasta lumo ĉe Dangar Akvofalo

krudaj klifoj

la tute-fala pezo de ĝi

paletroglito de la tranĉilo

por atesti ĉi tion, vertiĝa

mortaj membroj krucitaj



longen malsupren

kaj la dolĉaj senmovaj nuboj

ŝtonoj likeno lumigita

kvazaŭ la rivereto scius nenion

pri kio estas preter la kurbo

kaj kie la akvoj ankoraŭ kolektiĝas

glazuro de suno rakonti

sekan muskon

kaj arbŝelfaloj


per trila trako

babiladas daŭre

bovkverko por venteto

barilpikitaj suproj

kaj la paŝtado apude

brutara nigra stopla kvieto

flava grizo

kaj ankaŭ la verda griza

la frapturdo kunfandiĝas

en foliara faldo

mi vidas la milionon da jaroj ĉi tie

kaj miliono pli

preter la lasta

la faloj laboregas

en enblovo de freŝa aero

ni foriras

#1642 - ajar




ekphrastic for Syd Long’s 1920 ‘The Green Gate’

Hinton Collection, NERAM


deep in the frame


the year lies bare


tribe of leaves trod in


the day

none saw


a ghost to swing these hinges 

Friday 28 June 2024

#1640 - gilt memory



gilt memory

ekphrastic for Percy Spence’s 1912 ‘Tasman’s Fleet Doubling the Most Southerly Cape of Van Diemen’s Land’



at Earth’s end

in the roaring


a pomp of sails puffed

diadem stern


all furling

pennants taut


tugging after cloud 

after cliff


seadogs at rigging


to light their clay pipes


in the gull wake spray

in the heaving swell


onward and ho


no mention of smoke from the shore

or the giants


so British these Dutch


but it never happened

these weren’t the ships


there’s nowhere from which you could see this


it’s in the artist’s imagination

not one of these hats blows off




Thursday 27 June 2024

#1640 - fishing in dark waters




fishing in dark waters

ekphrastic for Karpathy Jenō (Eugen)’s 1939 ‘The Broad Danube’

Hinton Collection, NERAM


a mudwash of

two peer into time


are thick with such sky

won’t reflect


you cannot see the storm here

can’t see much in this mud



or such speech

just guessing


think paprika

think kettle and fire


a curtain you can barely discern


river rolls still

drifts away


a stick stood up back of the boat

that’s fishing too


hardly a shadow cast to it

but tide shows tone


a prospect of atrocity


everyone had a piece of this

here’s the blood of so many tribes


not though here so godforsaken


too far from breakfast

too long till lunch


a pipe, a flask to share

palinka warms the tale

Wednesday 26 June 2024

#1639 - Dorrigo






clear winter

green and rolling


a storm thread split

the ancient folding of the land


dry on the top


the dieback dry

the glint tops shone


wires to sing it


angle white gums

a bare branch dance



boulder strew too


and the clouds and the cattle

and the fences come


the hay rolls into bales


sky close

in a whisper of stone