Thursday, 31 March 2022

#818 - three poems - first morning of the world, we dream for the gone selves, abandoning the calendar





first morning of the world


and god was

if we say

the busy one, the maker

gathering all blue to nest

bolting here there too

somebody had to


none knew day’s other parts back then

each new as his her skin


but someone thought to sing

then all sorts swam


air was

action rudimentary

we would come to flight


all innocent, shat the shore

washed away with dreams


that’s where we lived and how

all crows’ feet in the clay

nothing written down


took wheel to axe

where forest sprang

called it garden then


it was all the one day

till we came to the clock


and now we’ve come again

we dream for the gone selves we are


somewhere in the clock accused

a grasswind

arrived to me

a pointing


throw pictures

like the rug seller

fleece to the table

like lanolin

throw them from my head

in pencil, paint, by hand


I dreamt that someone was checking my words

often you won’t see the rules

still follow nevertheless


the diner with the plots proclaimed

hit men

(wouldn’t want them to know you knew!)


next the toff school suburban

vertiginous stairs

come down by railing

don’t look

the long walk home from the shops

not so long since

gutter, kerb


streetside., Mayfield, I think

little ornaments of a life

still shelved as if indoors


and the sun shone on the washing

it was only a moment though then


there were other places, faces

now they too are lost


we dream for the selves that are gone




abandoning the calendar


well slept


in every other year of my life

sky blue and creek roar too


there was a language I should be learning

a palette of the breezes


for somewhere to go


on other days

in other hours

and worded from the world


breath by breath

and deep in throes


in every other life

I dreamt the world to peace


away for a day

still with us now


falling apart

and that’s just to begin


come rescue, won’t you?


other seasons

suns shone


end in a cell

just the size of yourself

as lost as ever you were before

just making it up as you go

esperanta serio #244 - senfolia





la arbo memoras siajn sezonojn

ĉie samtempe

birdoj estas vorto en la orelo


en vintra meza nebulo

de perditaj arboj ĉi tiuj kvar muroj

niaj bariloj



havas kun kapo


bonvenigi ĉiujn falintojn por grundo

preter ĉia ĉiroj, ĉielo


ranoj diras spite

kaj ili estas nevideblaj


estu kiel de malproksime



la lasta folio

nur por diri






the tree remembers its seasons

everywhere at once

birds are a word in the ear


in a winter middling mist

from lost trees these four walls

our fences


a play of words

has with head


welcome all the fallen for soil

beyond all tendrilling, a sky


frogs say despite

and they're unseen


be as from far

blown in


last leaf's

just to say 






Wednesday, 30 March 2022

#817 - we don't know what we're fucking with





we don’t know what we’re fucking with


how superstitious seem

to all our later selves



who understands?

we toy and spoil


especially the weather


some will say I sniffed you out

call them acts of

and natural causes


take out a policy


cast just a shadow past


time – the gallows

a tree run up


the soul some say

and parts go over the moon


we have doldrums

sometimes skip a beat

and might be just to see you


call bolts from the blue

pretend they are mine


clever clever

invent the piano the violin


when we play with ourselves

we don’t


everything is inside out

how else


the simple clearing of the throat

as if one might pronounce


to know is not


there are no words

heart compasses


we weave the very air away


live forever in a poem

nudge wink


and will you won’t you?


steer selves into the storm


who else is there (?)

one has to ask


will you still find me here?

esperanta serio #243 - trovante la unuan linion en fera ĉielo malklara tago



trovante la unuan linion en fera ĉielo malklara tago



inter la oscedoj kaj streĉoj


tiregu unu fadeno

tago malimplikas


jen la duone pripensita listo de aferoj ankoraŭ farendaj

la hieraŭa granda ĝojfajro tute cindro


malproksima kokokrio

kaldlingo de vaporo al teo


do trinku

ĉu la herbo ne kreskis dum la nokto?

kaj kun kia senkulpeco!

kamparo ĉiuj mensogoj


ne estas vero por diri

sed arbaroj pli malhelaj

birdoj eksplicite



poste portu la libron

kvazaŭ jam skribite --

ĉi tiuj tabuletoj

la monto alportas


por ni




finding the first line on a tin sky dim day



among the yawns and stretches


pick at one thread

a day unravels


here’s the half thought through to-do

last night's big bonfire all ash


roostering faroff to urge

kettling of steam to tea


so sip

hasn't the grass grown overnight?

and with what innocence!

land all lies


not a truth to tell

but woods darker

birds expressly



then carry the book

as if already written

these tablets

a mountain brings down  







Tuesday, 29 March 2022

#816 - in the afterlife





in the afterlife

a tumble from hunger


for godsbother


find me politely

the same old tricks

possibly teaching dogs


keep the voice we’re used to

throw it

one more in the choir and sink


all thinking is wishful

as in the dream

coming back, ready or not


everyone’s pretending

many burst into song

and wave the wings diaphanous


washed up like sleep

in these such eyes

as yet remain


a hardly hover

that burning

as if all consumed


forget my socks

forget my feet

never get sick of the weather


lose all perspective

follow any funeral

hair of the mutt for belief


on the ghost road

picture the religious garments

we cannot call this free will


unless it is the case that

(and we ask you all to forget)

incredible, true, but it turns out


that everyone was right

you might never

wake up here