Sunday, 23 March 2025

#1910 - there's the art of not being who you are





there’s the art of not being who you are

for the sudden gust


without which not here to tell

how it changes you

to hide to pretend

to survive


the copula

like a tight cap


take your pills


does it mend

those hates made us?


both hands of the future

or as you were


how often a voice, a skin, betrays

a certain genital inclination


all in the head as well


deny it

that the world goes round


you know you’ll die from what you did


the itch is far far down

Saturday, 22 March 2025

#1909 - anchor yourself





anchor yourself


in the big wind

in the great day


by numbers and against

in a time of thunder


among the arrows everywhere

anchor yourself


in the making mist

rise flower


out of the shouting

in the wherewithal


in the slovenly

no-think of news


out of the corner

to which I’m painted


high in the seas

let the clock run


hold on!

make midst of it


in the week comes round

in the month in the year


on a turning world

in the galaxy whirl


among the wild ideas

and true


be gone

in these few breaths


not a word

hang on to this


your cloud 

Friday, 21 March 2025

#1908 - self







loose wire somewhere

in a forest of cloud


after dreambrink


who how where why


trick of the light

or treat


good heart

the clock trained


brewing all this while


falling for the self


a slap up self

and on the fly


put up to it

by world about

peer pressure


coming down with a self

keeping it up


keeping the self up in the air


was always a juggle of masks


tempted to call it all one’s own work


then there is the -Ish

a nasty fairy

thinks nothing of your troubles

thinks of no one else


try it!


a little wobble on my axis


the underself

and the overarch

then beside one’s

and so on


sticky in the web

bearing up under the weight of the day


self medication indicated


deep in the bones

the old self again

arriving before I do


self evident

and satisfied

explanatory too


patched up with quotidian lists

the might of must

slink along, sidle up

pass bottle, bong


they say that you have to get over your own

there’s no doubt that the day is coming


self best before

and due to expire

what does it say on the can?


that’s the empty self, filled with to-do

tabula rasa cv


self we thought we knew

as mirrored in window glance

puffed up with having done


…could say we just happen to be

                   the people we are

though that was never quite it


‘the self’

dive in just here

and wouldn’t you know it?


the self won’t wash

disobeys the most obvious rules


where’s it from

this symbolic frolic?


like a pet poorly trained, who’ll you’ll blame


down, self!

fetch, self!

roll over

and why does the self lick?


... my indiscretion

the self – unburied bone

takes over

and it was there already


nostalgic too


makes blank of mind


the bird me

or any insect


self is solipsism

whistling just to be


peer in

do you see yourself?


and all these years I am

but once, a name waiting

in the all-because

and rudely fashioned thus


that’s the deep well of self

the gyre

the smoke to touch


you go back for more

self’s ‘cut and come again’


and now, in the last furlong you see

it’s a race against time

weather selfsame too

in the very treetops of


some undiscovered world in which

it’s lovely to be lost




Thursday, 20 March 2025

#1907 - we are tether ended





we are tether ended


some days wake

just the bird singing in me

branch and leaf and sky


the day out there

bright fascination


all these calls


a dew spangle breakfast


down and deeper

to correct the bones


a train flushes through

or the tap persists


sometimes we come to the boil


the city fires up

like a printed circuit


as for myself

a shadow cast


wake misshapen

bend to a clock


tending patch


I see you see me

do the ears


colours never cave same


turns out

there never was sleep


day is a made up thing


a hop back into the pouch then


and so time begins