#1096 - two poems to welcome the year





two poems to welcome the year



poem for the un-here


for peace

for love

for all that


go on as we

wish to begin


ticks over into this then

where we might have slept on

                               and some did


but for the persistent

time is a policeman to move us along

asks ‘where are you off to?

‘where are you from?’


out of the backward abysm

roll over into


think of the gone now too

how I will go down where the wallabies lie


there’s deep well of time to be


set sail by bed or bathtub


I dreamt a fold of paper’s flight

it was as real as we

read on


eyes always into the infinite

just happens to be where we are


now in next year

which was tomorrow

here we are today


go gently

gently go



for dream diary


it was just out of the dell


on the way to the studio

edge of the clearing


this piece of paper


but flat

still dry despite the weather


one might have bent to enquire


but it folded itself up into wings

just like that, an instant

large insect, little bird

and it took off on its way


I just wanted to tell you that


most natural thing in the world

esperanta serio #514 - kvieton




la tuta valo restas

kaj kie la suno forglitas

certaj arboj estas frotitaj de brutaro

por kapti lastan lumon en iliaj membroj

tute ora kaj for

ĝis tempo venos  brilanta

en la steloj

por montri mondon endome




a stillness


all the valley bides

and where the sun slips off

certain trees are rub crafted by cattle

to catch last light in their limbs

all golden and gone

till time comes shining

in the stars

to show a world indoors

Friday, 30 December 2022

#1095 - a page for the last day





a page for the last day


hear the high places

night has hid


the first lit chatter

and petal struck


now underhat see shadows

far afoot


it’s just time passing

no one knows


petrol engines in the else

but here


round we go

last day of the book of the year


big valley moo

mulch far among the fallen


trees won’t tell taller

but someone runs up


a possum climbs up to the stars


come be breeze delight

say summer


there’s  a lot of afternoon

glisten pondsworth frogly


rain was

so though long ago


I forgot the clock

come humbling about


won’t see bandicoots

but where they’ve been


I can hear

my own footsteps behind


a possum climbs up to the stars


there’s overland duck and the African Queen

wombat, worthy pioner


there’s wallaby

running our fences


and the day divided too

(at wallaby trot’s a lot faster than mine)


and a possum climbs up to the stars


creek height banana falls

Davidson plum


one greets the little dinosaurs

met on the way


a breeze in the weed rough garden

kookaburra commenting


rainglazed turds sit, sun to polish

no effort of yours required


and sit where you’ve never sat before

view of day going


midst of things, of voices

and the bumble flight


the drift down

everywhere’s a short cut


I look for the long way

till night must fall


and a possum climbs up to the stars


round around we go

as if time were no place


but something we wait for, something gone

thing never quite here at all

esperanta serio #512 - senkulpaj amuzoj




senkulpaj amuzoj


entombigo estas la plej bona timo de la pastro

ni ĉiuj scias, ke ni iras


ni estas vi povus diri

la restaĵoj mortaj


ĉiuj kantas

iuj ne povas

sed tio neniam haltigas ilin


tiam unufoje pro la timo de fulmo

kuris reen al la kaverno


bruligis fajron

estis hipnotigitaj


nun skatolita

ĉielo malaperis

kiu iu dio pentris


ni estu ŝafoj

malĝojas ĉar la paŝtisto estas najlita


fiŝoj estas same bongustaj

ĉi-tio estas malferma trinkejo


mi kontentiĝos je taso da teo

faru ĝin vi mem

mi ĉiam gardas






innocent pastimes


funeral is the priest's best fear

we all know we go


we are you might say

the mortal remains


all sing

some can't

but never stops them


once for the dread of lightning

ran back to the cave


lit a fire

were hypnotized


now boxed

sky’s gone

some god painted


let’s be sheep

to grieve

nail up the shepherd


fish are just as delicious

it’s an open bar


I'll settle for a cup of tea

make it myself

keep wits about

Thursday, 29 December 2022

#1094 - every secret vanishing





every secret vanishing


what was said

and what was done


we are bringing more plastic into the world

are wheeling it up the drive, away


all this falling out of heads

forgetting to hide from oneself

deep dark


secret where things go


all eke


everyone lives in his her own

lives it up

lives it down


far sleep

and can’t account


tread eggshells round gods falling

flicker the walls of the cave


a knack of paradox we do


like creatures gone to forever

and no one knew the name


even a planet will wobble a bit

there’s something pear shaped there

esperanta serio #511 - nokto kaj tago




nokto kaj tago

pro la ĝeno de dioj


vi ruliĝas en spiron


kie alie?


estas pretere


alie esti


dubo ŝteliras

kaptu tion


ĝi ludilas kun lastaj suferoj


vi ruliĝas en spiron


ĉiu aparta ŝtono

al ĝiaj jaroj


kiu vidos

kiu povus diri kien la tempo kondukas?


estas nur por iom da

ĉi tiun cindromondon

ĉiuj niaj propraj faroj


estas nur por iom da

ĝi estos memoritaj

se entute mi devus diri





night and day

for godsbother


you roll into a breath


where otherwise?


there is beyond of


else to be


a doubt creeps in

catch that


toy with last throes


you roll into a breath


each particular stone

to its years


who will see

where time takes?


it's only for a bit

this cinder world


we make's remembered

I should say if at all