Wednesday, 30 November 2022

#1060 - notes for a poem in another language





notes for a poem in another language


sneeze and blow


in order

stars and their worlds

the circulation up down tree


take seasons for sequence


all night then the waking


a calendar composes lives


the inch by inching

curl up too


revolution and rest


much wondering

suspense and so plot


tickle itch

and aches between


days ferment

round around the garden


one step two step


clouds along

nose to arse notation


missile system, surgical strike


a roof and the moss grows over

knives sharp


far far in your head

so much falling down


notes bloom on the page


voice an inward vanish


the clock shipshape Bristol

a heart gives out at last

esperanta serio #481 - la plene punktita poemo




laboras sub peza puno

malproksime de popola parolo


komenciĝas per titola trumpeto

daŭras, linio komencaj ĉapoj


ĝi portas balenan-ostan korseton

pruvo de certa jarcento mallumo


Morsa sopiro

Brajlo en profundo de paĝo


la punktita poemo

ĉiuj ĉeestantaj kaj ĝustaj


krucu miajn t-ojn kaj punktu miajn i-ojn

mi ŝatas mian muzikon flugitan de la liniaro


la plene punktita poemo

opinias sin jam ŝtona


tiam mi estas la likeno

mi estas la musko


kaj forpaŝantas de la fintaj regitaj linioj

en ĉiam pli maldikan aeron


mia treneparolo postulas sian propran notacion

mi informos vin ĉi tie




the fully punctuated poem


labours under heavy sentence

far far from speech of folk


begins with headline trumpet blare

goes on, line initial caps


it wears a whalebone corset

proof of a certain century's dark


Morse yearning

Braille in depth of page


the punctuated poem’s

all present and correct


cross my t's and dot my i's

I like my music flown from the stave


the fully punctuated poem

thinks itself already stone


then I'm the lichen

I'm the moss


and stepping off the feint ruled lines

into ever thinner air


my drawl requires its own notation

I'll keep you posted here

#1059 - sitting






gallerina piece / gallerist for the mill


on the seventh day of the exhibition

begin pacing

resume pictures finished long since

make these anxious marks on the wall


ink and scratch

know it is you have built

cages of the mirror light


one yellows into things


an empty hour after conversation


still you lie in wait


the gallery is my hide

they go by

the ear-bud crew and/or chatty

odd types too

I can pick them off from here


inside the honoured, to be rehoused

(once they have passed through the hands of the authorities)

and there are yet the great unsold


breezes beyond may blow the town down

it’s all just pretend


day slows


and I know

for all the great art and artists now at play

there aren’t the walls in all the world

ever to hang them


we’ll fond the heart with absence


there’s no one to blame but


they’ll wonder where I’m gone

need only look into the picture


a poem like this presents the page

with nowhere else to go