Saturday, 30 April 2022

Launch of Book of Mother and poetry jam - at the Chrissie Cotter Gallery, in Camperdown 1pm today

launch conversation with Maggie Ball 

jammin with

with Ed Wright and Duncan Kimball and Angie Contini 

#848 - angophora light





angophora light

for the Gore Cove Track Series


in after falls

and here’s the blue all held

stone and shadow

to the harbour


mind your step

so mossy now


sun for the tips

heart works uphill

termite tracks too

all climb


who lives the puddle?

none doubt world’s round


a fringe, a fray of purple ending

and we watch it being invented –

world’s first ever cloud

esperanta serio #274 - venteto estas mia tuta forporto



venteto estas mia tuta forporto


birdoj estas lingvo

montetoj kiom longe?


kiam cindro kaj venteto



malaparante kaj

ankoraŭ estas ĉi tie


vero de la bluo

preter vidado


konstanta gutado en la tanko

la  plej pura nuna forma de abundo



a breeze is all my bearing away


birds are a language

hills how long?


when ash and breeze

bear off


gone and I will

still be here


truth of the blue

beyond seeing

a steady dripping in the tank

the purest present form of plenty 


Friday, 29 April 2022

#847 - eruption -- ekphrastic for Cian X Dayrit (2022)






ekphrastic for Cian X Dayrit [Henricus] (2022)

Blueprint of Dam as Sadistic Monument



the eyes inside

the hand over

sky full

the gathering

and broadcast mountain

river in a cage

trees, factories

stump where forest was

all the words are lost worlds

ghost ships

and god’s phantom limb

strange creatures

a gallows then

canoe at oars

the palm laid easterwise


all the worlds are lost to these words

these few the ghosts of the said

as if a bible spill


windmill wish

lakes and wheels

the military vehicle

fish in the sea to die


oxen upright

bearing death on a pole

the truck the smoke the flag


things all repeat themselves

I swim for the ladder to sink

in words and so spirits sing


balloon falls

cranes, the guard tower, lies

lights shone out

constellations, sharks


aliens and the made-up heaven


eye each and a camel, is it?

all things set to see out loud


the dam, a wall

beyond and under

where the lost live


a highway through it all

the tar pit and the dinosaur smoke


after a while

among the voices

will hear your own


puddles and someone proclaiming

each creature only just come to light


all thread all sewn


aerosharks, dozerbulls

rabbits yet to bark


village on stilts an aquarium now

a flight of the parts

of the decomposed


having taken to the dark

we otherworld

it’s as if to swim clutch


far moonflock



crashland tilling

bells in windows


some lightning and a satellite

grey as the pale of dawn


there is no net catch it all


things fall off

things erupt


imagine all this otherwise

imagine so it may be

esperanta serio #273 - en la malrapidiĝo



en la malrapidiĝo


nubo floro arbo

la ruza saluto


preter la abeloj en la burĝonoj



kaj io okazas

supreniras, eble ankoraŭ fruktos


ĉielo enen

la akvo kuranta


flugiloj estas



domo ĵetas ombrojn

ĝi eluzas ilin


ĉiuj tiaj kiel ĉi tiuj

estas en la ĝardeno


kaj mi estas afero-inter ili

kapti ankaŭ ĉe sunlumo




in the slowdown


cloud flower tree

the sly salute


pass the bees in the buds



and something's

come up, might yet fruit


a sky is in

the water running


wings are

a way


house casts shadows

it wears them out


all such as these

are in the garden


and I am thing-among-them

catch at sunlight too 



Thursday, 28 April 2022

#846 - autumn and the track





autumn and the track

Gore Cove Track series


bracken rise

lizard skitter still


creek’s one way telling


and the track?

goes on underdrip


brushfowl in gladelight

ferns afoot


a little misted

mud further


some odd guitar, piano

among the calls of flight


to the harbour

to the sea


in the under leaf, stone

moss midst
lesser trails

and least


an ear for the mosquito

eye for ever up


then some sudden blue!


and here’s the sandstone sun presides

for whom we’ve waited all this way

a baton tip now still






in this pocket fallen out of the city


days may imagine

South Island lost

but then the phone must speak


esperanta serio #272 - ne povas rakonti




ne povas rakonti


ne povas diri

kion ĉielo povus fari

ĝi malaltiĝas, levas



tago estas rearanĝita laŭ si mem


jen poŝo da birdoj transirantaj

ili estas pluraj kantoj

tutan matenon


ne povas rakonti

kiel la mondo turniĝos

kiu momento estas la sekva

kaj ne, ĝi estas for


aferoj putriĝas

kaj leviĝu al la okazo


vidu alte supre

en la vito

folioj implikaj estas lumigita


spektaklo estas ĉio

ne sciante

kio sekvas


ĉio sugestas sin

kiel ni povus antaŭdiri?



ne povas rakonti




no telling


no telling what

a sky could do

it lowers, lifts

it blows away


day's rearranged to suit itself


here's a pocket of birds crossing

they are several songs

all morning


no telling

how the world will turn

which moment's next

and no, it's gone


things rot

and rise to the occasion


see high up

in the vine

tangle leaf lit


spectacle's all

no knowing   

what's next


everything suggests itself

how could we have predicted?


there simply is

no telling